| MBB/WBB 🏀🏆RollTideBama March Madness Bracket Challenge - Enter Now

This should have a SIGNIFICANT result in your presidential vote!

Well, we all know that goofy bastard didn’t fill this bracket out! He can’t even put together a coherent sentence!!
Would love to see at least 5 more people join the bracket... the more the better. If you're joined but haven't filled out your bracket (3 of you), do so ASAP...
I'd have my teenage daughter join, but she would just go through picking the coolest names and mascots and win
I wouldn't laugh too much.

There are 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 possible bracket outcomes. Over the last seven years I've seen a girl (8 or 9 at the time) win a bracket based on their mascots. Two years ago I saw a lady win and she chose teams on which color she liked the best.
Last call! Get in/sign up and set your brackets. Also, there’s 3 people that signed up and never completed theirs. Time is running out…
😂 For better or worse, your bracket and mine are very similar

Ha! Well, there’s no way all four #1 seeds get into the elite 8 on mine. I think UNC is the most vulnerable by far, but they lucked up with their side of the bracket. I almost went with auburn over UCONN, but just couldn’t do it. I’m trying to will UCONN to victory. Feels like Purdue will stumble like always but I’m giving them the benefit of the doubt (for what will be the last time ever if they fall on their face yet again).
The bracket you see under "Terry Pellman 4b061" is auto-filled just to see how the group does against the general public.

My bracket is rtbtp
Sorry I was going to do it, but I got logged out. And for the best of me. I couldn't get back in! I did do it but it was in and very older RTB site.
I screwed up….
It’s got me in the CBS bracket but does not any of my picks in the rtb pool….
On the bright side, I’m still perfect in the CBS one…..
Kentucky going down will not help me in the next two round. I think I picked them to get to the final 4. Yeah I know that was stupid loolng back.

Looks like I can make up for it if my choice wins it because no one else picked them.
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