| FTBL Bad news, Fanuzzi is transferring!

If that is indeed the case I hate that for him. Has to wait a year to play unless he goes to a lesser division.

Competition always separates the wheat from the chaff.

Good Luck to Fanuzzi and I hope he lands on his feet!!
I wish the young man well, but I think this is a seeing the future kind of thing. I saw something over the week end showing him as the scout team qb. That put him behind not only JPW and MacElroy, but also Starr and Harrah. With only JPW leaving at the end of the year and A J coming in, playing time just was not in his future.
TerryP said:
Bad news?
Maybe in the long term perhaps not. But in the immediate term I would have to say that this is indeed bad news.

First, news of the event happens on Monday of the week of your opening game. While perhaps not a huge deal, it can have some effect on some members of the team (unless he was a total and complete ass hated by everyone).

Second, Fannuzi was probably going to be running the scout team, and I would wager his replacement for that job will not be as talented. Again, probably not the event that will cause us to not win the SEC or anything, but will result in the scout team not giving as competitive a 'look' throughout the season.

Sorry to see him leave. Hope he lands on his feet somewhere else and in a spot where he can play.
With AJ verbally comitting the hand writing was on the wall for Nick. However, this means a more talented Jackson/Darrah will now be running the scout team so that is good news for us.
alagator said:
TerryP said:
Bad news?
Maybe in the long term perhaps not. But in the immediate term I would have to say that this is indeed bad news.

First, news of the event happens on Monday of the week of your opening game. While perhaps not a huge deal, it can have some effect on some members of the team (unless he was a total and complete ass hated by everyone).

Second, Fannuzi was probably going to be running the scout team, and I would wager his replacement for that job will not be as talented. Again, probably not the event that will cause us to not win the SEC or anything, but will result in the scout team not giving as competitive a 'look' throughout the season.

Sorry to see him leave. Hope he lands on his feet somewhere else and in a spot where he can play.

I see what you mean with it possibly being bad news on the immediate term, but you're kind of reaching a little. If a 4th string(Possibly even 5th behind Darrah) QB leaves on a Monday of game week and it causes us to lose a game, we weren't going to win in the first place. It could have some sort of effect on the players but IMO I seriously doubt it. As for him running the Scout team, I believe Morgan Ogilvie and Robert Ezell were going to be used instead of him.

I hate to see him go to be honest. I loved his running ability and he has a pretty strong arm. It did seem like he would be berried in the depth chart with McElroy, Jackson and McCarron. I wish him the best of luck though.
Best of luck to him. I see it as Bama finally having solid depth at QB. Chances are he would have never seen any action at all other than the scout team.
rick4bama said:
I see CNS is cleaning house. In one way or the other.

I don't see it that way. I see a guy that wants to play football going to another school where he has a better opportunity. Don't think Saban pushed him out the door, if that is what you are saying.
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