| FTBL Auburn Offense

milliondollarfan19 said:
Has anyone else heard about the barn changing their offense again? i caught the last little bit about it on Fox 6 this morning.

Bryan Matthews, Rivals guy for Auburn, mentioned something along those lines on the radio the other day. He was called out on it on their message forum and said he was mis-understood/mis-quoted. He then went on to say they didn't have any plans to ditch the spread and go to a power-I like was suggested on the radio.

From that interview (I read about it online right after it aired) I saw it hitting forums immediately. In fact, I even heard Scott Van Pelt mention it yesterday on his radio show on ESPN Radio.

Now, Matthews is reporting there are indeed changes in their offense but to what extent isn't known. From quotes I've read, it sounds a lot like what they have been saying all season.

"We've got a good game plan in," AU head coach Tommy Tuberville said. "Made a lot of changes. I think all the guys are excited on both sides of the ball."

After producing just three offensive touchdowns in its first three SEC games, Tuberville said the offense has undergone personnel and scheme changes this week.

"We're moving people around, trying to find out what we can do more consistently than anything else," he said.

"We want to play faster on offense. We've got to get that tempo and speed on offense. Quit worrying about making mistakes and go attack and get it done."

The changes actually started a couple of weeks ago when AU ran some two-back sets and moved the quarterback under center for some snaps against LSU. They added more against Tennessee last weekend including a Wildcat formation with Mario Fannin at quarterback.

"Each week we'll look at depending on what the other team does on defense, whether we think two-backs would be better for us 30-40 percent of the time, or we'll run 90 percent spread," Tuberville said. "It just depends on what they do and personnel.

"I think what we're doing putting a little two-back, one-back, underneath the center, two tight ends, helps the spread. It makes them work on something else and takes the working time away from the meat and potatoes of what we really want to do."

I don't know...and I really don't have any indication they really know either.

You want a quandry? Try an OC that has experience calling a spread attack and then asking him to call a different scheme. I wouldn't like that.
TerryP said:
milliondollarfan19 said:
You want a quandry? Try an OC that has experience calling a spread attack and then asking him to call a different scheme. I wouldn't like that.

Is that kind of like promoting an OL coach to OC and asking him to run the previous OC's offense? If I remember correctly, that experiment failed gracefully.
Argo said:
TerryP said:
milliondollarfan19 said:
You want a quandry? Try an OC that has experience calling a spread attack and then asking him to call a different scheme. I wouldn't like that.

Is that kind of like promoting an OL coach to OC and asking him to run the previous OC's offense? If I remember correctly, that experiment failed gracefully.

Exactly like that because the same OL coach they tried that with is still coaching the OL; Hugh Nall was their OC in 2003.
This is a mistake from every possible angle. Number one, if you don't practice it, you will never perfect it. Number two, they have been recruiting for this specific offense. What do they tell the commitments? Hey, we might be running the spread next year, we'll see how it goes.

I don't get it. I personally hate the spread, but, if you're gonna run it - run it. It may take a couple of years to get it right, but you have to start some where. I'm sure Rodriquez, at Michigan, isn't happy with his offensive results right now, but they will get it together soon enough. I think it basically comes down to the aubs not being patient enough to let this offense play out. It also doesn't help that their in-state rival is doing so well. The pressure is on Tubs, what are you gonna do?
In a presser early Friday Auburn head coach Tommy Tubberville announced,

"Today marks the day that we'll be making a difficult transition to a new offense. I know that some of you are concerned that this is too early, but remember we change offensive coordinators every year or two anyway so don't worry about it. We're just ahead of schedule. The Spread Eagle offense that we tried to incorporate this year never flew out of the barn so to speak so we're switching to the Crouching Tiger offense which will be spearheaded by Kodi Burns. He's the Crouching Tiger. Raaawr!!! (yes he actually makes roaring sound here). Along with the Crouching Tiger there's a Hidden Quarterback. His name is Chris Todd. He will soon have his arm back to strength and will be able to make 50 yard throws without straining and throwing jump balls. After giving signals in to Kodi Burns for a few games (none of which Kodi can actually execute) his arm should be up to strength, Crouching Tiger will exit stage left and our real QB Chris Todd a.k.a. Hidden Quarterback will emerge just in time for the game against our arch rival, Alabama. Also, on a side note, we're going to try to learn how to run the ball this week before the Vanderbilt game. Go Eagles!"
The Barn is in serious trouble. I thought that Wingnut was so good at developing players that weren't 4-5 star recruits. He should have them fine tuned into this "spread eagle" offense. Don't be surprised to see them trying to go undercenter more in an attempt to try and run the ball and then go spread to throw it. Problem is, they have no QB worth shooting.
You want a quandry? Try an OC that has experience calling a spread attack and then asking him to call a different scheme. I wouldn't like that.

Franklin has under center plays in his "system". His "Black" and "Brown" formation are I formations which can be ran under center or from the gun. I think they are offset. It looks strange from the gun. The up-tempo is what has been lacking from Auburn's offense in my opinion. When he was with Troy they played a lot faster.
What all of this amounts to is that Franklin sold awbern a load of pooey. He told tubs that Todd was the second coming of Christ. This kid throws "rainbows" if it is deeper than 10 yards. Franklin is a good salesman, and wing-nut bought it..hook, line and sinker. Next year, the barn will have a new OC. Keep huntin' tubs. We'll buy the shells for ya.
BamaDelta said:
They just don't have the right "athletes" to run it yet.

Yet highschools across Alabama put up points in the same offense every Friday night.

If Auburn paid more than $3000.00 for this offensive system, they are getting screwed.
Well from what i heard today, they have yet another QB, Mario Fannin, who to my understanding was a QB in highschool, is going to be put in at that position as well as Todd, and Burns... I havent heard much else besides what yall have been saying...
dont stop now

I hope they do not stop to much of the spread eagal
offense now because I enjoy seeing them boobing for apples when they line up on the offensive line
They has been reported that they are ditching the spread for a more tradition offense...in the middle of the season and after they made their oline lose weight to do the spread blocking...or shadowblocking...lol
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