| FTBL ATTENTION MEMBERS; Important, please read and reply

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((Taken from a post submitted by me in the RTB Military Veterans Forum))

For those that have taken the time to enter this forum and review this post I appreciate it. Moreso, I think that America's troops deployed abroad will appreciate it. The administrators here on rolltidebama.com have decided to try and support the troops deployed abroad in a more substantial way and we are hoping that we can count on the support of the members that frequent the site. Let me explain what is going on and how you can help.

Some of you know that my wife is actually a member of the military. Due to that (and the fact that she's been deployed to the desert herself) she takes it upon herself to support the troops that are serving our nation in the war zone. One of the things she's been doing recently is taking on an "adoption" of sorts for troops stationed in Iraq. Not only are these troops in Iraq and away from home they are stationed in forward areas away from even the meager comforts of a standard military base. With this being the case there is limited access to basic supplies and comforts. In fact, we know that one of the units we're trying to support is a 22-person field unit who has gotten virtually nothing in the form of care packages/encouragement from home and are only getting their monthly supply drop/run. The other troop is in another forward operating unit and he was submitted for support by his moral officer/senior medic. The troop by the name of Armstrong (that's all the info I have or can give due to security considerations) has received nothing in the way of support from home and we have taken it upon ourselves to adopt this troop as our own.

With my wife doing this she asked me earlier today if rolltidebama.com could give her a plug on the site. Anything that would help her raise support and awareness. Insteads of simply providing advertizing space I've discussed this with my site co-owner who is a veteran himself and we could like to utilize the visibility that we have here with the site, along with the patriotism of our members to make a more meaningful impact on the lives of these troops.

First and foremost let me introduce to you the site. Soldier's Angels You can see when you log in that this is a legitimate, non-profit site that was started by the mother of a military member that was deployed to Iraq.

What we want to do here on rolltidebama.com.

What the admin here on site have proposed to do is sponsor the troops mentioned previously on behalf of rolltidebama.com. We want to make a contribution and we want to support the troops. The only way to do that effectively though is to include the best members on the net in on it. So that's where you the member come in.

Basically what these troops need is to know that someone cares and someone at home has their back. Our plan on site is to first and foremost gauge interest. Gauging interest only requires that you respond to this post and let us know if you are interested in helping or not. The fundraising can come once we know what we're looking at in terms of site support.

As far as the funraising plan goes let me make this perfectly clear first and foremost. We don't necessarily need money. Money is good! Money's great, but we need all kinds of things from encouragement letters and post cards to books, dry goods, toiletries and so forth. Anything that the troops could use or just like to have is what we need. Having said that, I know from previous experience that the quickest way to get support around here is to ask someone to swipe a debit or credit card. It's far easier for you the member to simply submit a payment to a paypal account and walk away knowing you've done your part than it is to spend your time standing in the line at the local post office shipping and mailing out items.

So here's the plan (assuming we get the support of the members here on the site).

My wife has a paypal account set up to receive payments. She has requested that people not spend time purchasing items but to make a donation to this account instead. Even a $1 donation is fine. Assuming we do this 3 or 4 times a year you have basically supported your troops for a mere.....$4 over the course of the year.

We want the donations to come to us for 2 reasons. (1) The time involved (as mentioned a moment ago) just turns people off. That's just how it is and nothing to be ashamed about. People have lives. We understand that. (2) Being stationed at Los Angeles Air Force Base gives us the opportunity to make the donations go much further than they would in the civilian sector. For those that don't know, the military members and their families have access to the base exchange and the commissary where products and goods (especially food items) are sold for a fraction of the price they are in the civilian sector. The money does a lot further here on base so we can get more. More is good. :D

We also have determined to take care of all the shipping and the requirements of proof regarding this fundraiser. We will place tracking numbers on all shipments made so that the members here can see when and where their donations are going. We will take photos of all the goods we purchase and post them here on the site so that members can see that as well. If members would like me to post a detailed listing of the goods purchased and the costs I can do that as well.

I realize that in a venture like this it's very important for people to feel like their money is going to a worthy cause. Or that their money is actually GETTING to the cause. All I can do here as co-owner of this site is what I've already proposed, and hope that this is enough. I would hope that the members here that elect to participate would take my word as bond. I feel like for the most part our site here is one large family. People here continue to be members because they feel that. They continue to come back because there is a report and a certain trust level that has been established between the staff and the average member. Having said that, we would never take advantage of the members or betray that trust. It is, and always will be our philosophy here on the site that you are the site. You the member make the site what it is and without you there is no rolltidebama.com. We just pay the bills is all.

So in closing I just want to impress upon everyone that this is a worthy cause, but you should not enter it if you have any reservations whatsoever. I can assure you that the staff here has your best interests at heart and we'd never try and take advantage of the generosity and patriotism displayed on this site.

Please sound off here if you are interested in helping the troops. Thanks gang. :)
We had a huge fundraising/care package drive here last summer. Will have another one this summer. Being all warm, cozy and safe thanks in part to their service, makes it even harder when you read their "wish" list. Playing cards, magazines, books, sunblock. I was stoked when one unit asked for one nerf football. They got 5 :D

I'm down.
I'm in! Awaiting PayPal address…………

Short side story: Many of you know I work for an Aerospace company that manufacturer’s missile components. One of our other engineers is Navy Reserve and is with the Construction Battalion (The Fighting Seabees) out of Bessemer. He was called up for duty and was gone for a year or so. He is also originally from Tuscaloosa and is a huge Bama fan (as were most of the guys in his unit.) He was stationed at Al-Asad Airbase but was routinely remoted out to help rebuild in many areas, some very dangerous. While in Iraq, he sent us this picture and I wanted to share it. My friend Jeremy is on the right and his CO is on the left.
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