| FTBL Athletic Dorms or No Athletic Dorms That is the Question.



This has been discussed before, but there's new members here since the last time it was brought up.

I know the NCAA will never allow it to happen, but should they allow schools to go back to the old athletic dorms? With all of the trouble that student athletes are getting into nowadays, would it be easier for the coaches to watch over them and keep a lot of this stuff from happening if the majority of the players were living under one roof? What would be the downside of going back to athletic dorms?

IMO, I think it would be a good idea. I think it would help out a lot. Not only would it allow coaches to keep a better watch over the guys, it would also promote more comradery between the players.

What say you?
I agree I think its a good idea, but it will never happened because someone's feelings will get hurt, or someone else will complain becuase its not fair, etc etc
ghice said:
Can someone fill me in on as why they do not allow athletic dorms?

They still do, but the entire team can longer stay in them. 51% of the residents have to be non-athletes. The ruling was passed under the idea that all the athletes living together meant "extra benefits."

You can look at our situation with Johns and think that would have been an environment that would have discouraged him from selling coke. On the other hand, Elder was living in Bryant Hall.
Porter said:
The NCAA doesn't give a damn about the well-being of the student athlete. The 49% rule is just another glaring example.

On the flip side of that coin we have Jr.'s and Sr's that do live off campus and never get in trouble.
The Nazis started it saying way back when, they wanted the student athletes to be a part of the student body. But as we all know the Nazis are fulla crap. How can a guy like Joe Namath or a Johnny Musso blend in with the rest of the student body, cant happen. I like the idea of the athletic dorms. It makes it easier on the coachs.
BigAl said:
The Nazis started it saying way back when, they wanted the student athletes to be a part of the student body. But as we all know the Nazis are fulla crap. How can a guy like Joe Namath or a Johnny Musso blend in with the rest of the student body, cant happen. I like the idea of the athletic dorms. It makes it easier on the coachs.

How does it make it easier on the coaching staff? Are they expected to make bed checks at night?

When these kids hit their adulthood they want the ability to co-mingle with members of the opposite sex, etc. When you have 3-4 team members rooming together that tends to put a crimp in their activities.

Elder lived in Bryant Hall. In fact, if I recall correctly, it was a video from the cameras at Bryant Hall that the police and victims used to identify Elder.

What I see as a misconception is the problems today with players weren't problems 15-20 years ago. They were. But, we just didn't hear about them. It's about like Rader stating in an interview that Shula "kept the discipline private." Yeah, along the lines of we won't tell anyone you screwed up.
I still love this old gem...

Nate said:
I agree I think its a good idea, but it will never happened because someone's feelings will get hurt, or someone else will complain becuase its not fair, etc etc

Well said freaking makes me sick to admit it but it's true.
Someone brought up the idea of bed checks if there were athletic dorms. Personally I think there ought to be dorms for them exclusively. Each night a different member of the staff would stay at the dorm in a "coaches suite" to make sure everyone is in line. And yes, do a bed check.
bamaupsman said:
Someone brought up the idea of bed checks if there were athletic dorms. Personally I think there ought to be dorms for them exclusively. Each night a different member of the staff would stay at the dorm in a "coaches suite" to make sure everyone is in line. And yes, do a bed check.

During Bryant's tenure he had an assistant coach who lived in the athletic dorm during football season.
Along the same lines......

What makes it legal to have the athletes "study hall" at Bryant? As far as I know the regular student body isnt allowed to use that facility??
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