🏈 Alright Bamma People

LSUstudent said:

Do you seriously talk like that in person?


LSU is superior to God himself. Didn't you get the memo?

LSUstudent said:
I want someones gut feeling reason. I gave you mine earlier. It had nothing to do with numbers

All right then. You're a pathetic troll with a serious case of corndog syndrome. Better? :lol:

If I had to pick, LSU 'should' win. however anyone who has watched one bit of football this year knows that anything can happen come game day. I just hope you trolls stick around should WE win. We all know how trolls are when it comes time to play them and we also see they vanish when we beat them. So I do hope you stick around to eat your serving of crow should we win

With all the smack talk LSWho fans have been doing, I don't think their mouths nor stomachs are large enough to digest the amount of crow should they lose :lol:
LSU has far superior talent (thanks to our Saban!) than Alabama. We can't even hold a candle. While Saban was recruiting for you guys we were doing the best we could with limited scholly's and limited interest by high school seniors.

No way we trump any position match-up. We're just too green and too thin. We will probably get beat. Yes, you Bayou Bengals will probably get exactly what you want...bitter revenge against your old coach. In fact you'll probably beat us next year as well. Does that bother me? Of course. I would love to win, but we are just getting started.

No one expected us to seriously compete for the West. A chance to do so would be exciting, but it's not like we have set our bar there just yet.

You see the media paints us as unrealistic and impatient. They just don't know us!! I'm very excited about the direction that Saban has us headed and if you think back you could probably relate to that very statement a few years back.

So, in other words enjoy. We might not be back this year or next, but you know it's coming and so do I. :)
reger60 said:
bear facts said:
LSUstudent said:
LSU has won 4 straight. Any specific reason why it wont be 5 after this week? Defense? Offense? What does Saban have up his sleave?

What's a sleave? :?

The same professor that teaches spelling at Auburn teaches spelling at LSU.

Spelling may be a college course at Alabama but we dont have that at LSU. Is that the class that your players stole and sold textbooks for?
bayoulsucajun said:
reger60 said:
bear facts said:
LSUstudent said:
LSU has won 4 straight. Any specific reason why it wont be 5 after this week? Defense? Offense? What does Saban have up his sleave?

What's a sleave? :?

The same professor that teaches spelling at Auburn teaches spelling at LSU.

Spelling may be a college course at Alabama but we dont have that at LSU. Is that the class that your players stole and sold textbooks for?

I guess they don't teach reading comprehension at LSU either.
Now ya see thats what im looking for. Wilson's possible success, will bama show up, better coach, etc. Thats what it is all about.
"A pathetic troll?" A little harsh huh? Im fairly sure I have not talked trash at all! Some people got upset about one of my posts on another thread, but its b/c they found it offensive, not trash talking.
Here is what I think: As I stated before, Baton Rouge has never anticipated a game as much as this. Not Florida, the sugar bowl last year, and maybe MAYBE the national championship a few years ago. Here is what you need to know. Flynn can be great and he can be mediocre. Every game he has had Doucet at receiver, he has been great. He will finally have Doucet at 100% for the first time in over a month for Bama. Also, Dorsey is not a happy camper. I have a class with him, and I dont usually talk about football b/c thats what he hears all day. However, he is ready to go. He is slowly losing his limp from the cheap shot, and he will take it out on Bamas line. Our bevy of running backs is solid as well. Look for someone to step up, who knows who. As for the bar fight...this might be an X factor. Personally, the team does not need Odom, and he should be dismissed b/c this is the 3 violent act he has been involved with in the past 3 months. If we have to lose Perilloux then so be it, I hope it doesnt come to that, but we will see.
Finally, I do not think Coach Miles is as obsessed with Saban as all of LSU is. We want to destroy the man. Miles has already accomplished lightyears more than Saban did in his first 2 years. Also, dont give me that nonsense about not having good players b/c if you look at the draft the couple of years after Saban's first you see many LSU players goin to the draft. Josh Reed, Rohan Davey, Brady James, Trev Faulk just to name a few.
If, and its a big IF, we lose I'll be back. I'll be back regardless to tell you how awesome or crappy Tuscaloosa is, which ever I experience
LSUstudent said:
Finally, I do not think Coach Miles is as obsessed with Saban as all of LSU is. We want to destroy the man. Miles has already accomplished lightyears more than Saban did in his first 2 years.

Uh-huh, that's why Miles said back in the spring/summer that he wants to "beat F-in Bama". Yeah, he's not obsessed at all. :roll:

Miles is where he is because of what Saban left him and what Saban built for him...plain and simple. Even Steve Spurrier himself said it was a dream job to walk into at the time Saban left because of the talent and foundation left. You know that and so does the rest of LSU. LSU was an afterthought for championships before Saban got there.

That's why I can't understand for the life of me why all the hate. He built you guys into what you are today.
No doubt. Saban put us on the map. No one will deny that, and if they do they're foolish. Miles said that for the same reason he made the Pac-10 statement. He knows the fans love it. He said it at a meeting where media was prohibited. At the time some people denied his actual connection with the university and that solidified his love and interest, just like he wanted it to. Saban did a great job recruiting and coaching. Miles is still playing with many players that Saban recruited. With that said, Miles recruting classes have been just as good according to the numbers. Miles also did much better than Saban with a similar group. More than anything, the team respects him and genuinely likes the man...something that wasnt always said for Saban
LSUstudent said:
If, and its a big IF, we lose I'll be back. I'll be back regardless to tell you how awesome or crappy Tuscaloosa is, which ever I experience

We'll be waiting for the official opinion on Tuscaloosa with baited breath.

Haha just messin' with ya man.
LSUstudent said:
No doubt. Saban put us on the map. No one will deny that, and if they do they're foolish. Miles said that for the same reason he made the Pac-10 statement. He knows the fans love it. He said it at a meeting where media was prohibited. At the time some people denied his actual connection with the university and that solidified his love and interest, just like he wanted it to. Saban did a great job recruiting and coaching. Miles is still playing with many players that Saban recruited. With that said, Miles recruting classes have been just as good according to the numbers. Miles also did much better than Saban with a similar group. More than anything, the team respects him and genuinely likes the man...something that wasnt always said for Saban

So are you saying that Les Miles says things just because people want to hear it. That doesn't sound like a very good quality for a person in authority.
LSUstudent said:
No doubt. Saban put us on the map. No one will deny that, and if they do they're foolish. Miles said that for the same reason he made the Pac-10 statement. He knows the fans love it. He said it at a meeting where media was prohibited. At the time some people denied his actual connection with the university and that solidified his love and interest, just like he wanted it to. Saban did a great job recruiting and coaching. Miles is still playing with many players that Saban recruited. With that said, Miles recruting classes have been just as good according to the numbers. Miles also did much better than Saban with a similar group. More than anything, the team respects him and genuinely likes the man...something that wasnt always said for Saban

Recruiting is always easier for a coach if the team has won a national championship. Do you think Miles would have the recruiting class if Saban had not taken y'all there? Are you saying Miles has lead LSU to the National Championship? Not yet. So how has he done more than Saban? He is still winning with his recruits. Come back in about two years and lets see how he is doing.
BamaDelta said:
LSUstudent said:
Finally, I do not think Coach Miles is as obsessed with Saban as all of LSU is. We want to destroy the man. Miles has already accomplished lightyears more than Saban did in his first 2 years.

Uh-huh, that's why Miles said back in the spring/summer that he wants to "beat F-in Bama". Yeah, he's not obsessed at all. :roll:

Miles is where he is because of what Saban left him and what Saban built for him...plain and simple. Even Steve Spurrier himself said it was a dream job to walk into at the time Saban left because of the talent and foundation left. You know that and so does the rest of LSU. LSU was an afterthought for championships before Saban got there.

That's why I can't understand for the life of me why all the hate. He built you guys into what you are today.

Excellent points BD.

The only ones that are building this game up are:

1) The Media (as is their job to do). Please don’t fall for it. It is a game that is terribly lopsided on paper in LSU’s favor. Most of us know the facts and figures. LSU has played very good this year and not-so-good at times. We’ll see how it plays out come Saturday.

2) The portion of LSU fans that feel “wronged” by Nick Saban. I have not yet been able to get any logical explanation for this from an LSU fan. Since we have some on here this week, can someone give me an intelligent logical reason for this?? Why do you want to, in your own words, destroy the man?? Was LSU in the process of “making room” for Saban to come back to LSU?? If you guys are truly happy with Miles at the helm, then why waste the time on Saban??!! This “jilted lover syndrome” that some LSU fans have going on seems completely baseless. The real truth is that the LSU faithful KNOWS what Saban can do with a mediocre team and how he can build a decimated team into a powerhouse (as he did at LSU after DiNardo) and the fact that it's another SEC West rival as well as being ALABAMA is eating them alive. That, fair readers, is FEAR! And it will take more than a 20 year old college student wearing purple and gold colored glasses to convince me otherwise.

Perhaps, if LSU wins Saturday, that portion of fans will feel "righted" and can move on, as Saban has obviously done.

I live with an LSU fan EVERYDAY and he has even admitted that he dreads the day that Saban has Alabama turned around and stocked because he thinks Miles is a buffoon that fell into that job.

I have never had a problem with any LSU fans (again, I live with one everyday) until this and every incident has been instigated by them, not me. I have nothing to instigate, because I am happy with MY coach.

I am realistic in saying that LSU has the talent and should win, but Les Miles’ comments after the LSU-Auburn game totally floored me. He didn’t know how much time was on the clock??!! Isn’t that part of his job? Isn’t clock management a big part of any last ditch fourth quarter drive? WHAT??!!

So can someone offer an intelligent, logical explanation??
HeflinLady said:
Tideboy said:
Strong post Hef!! ;tr

Thanks. Just really would like an answer from an LSU fan.

Awesome Sabrina, and I agree totally. I tried to get the answer from a fan on the airplane the other day, and he just kept talking in circles getting redder and redder.

I never got the answer for the bitterness and hatred, but I got lots of "he's a two-faced liar; he is scum; his former players despise him and will show him how much so on Sat.; we have a little 'suprise' planned for little Nicky Sat. night; etc..."

OK, sure. All I wanted to know was why the hatred for a man that didn't leave LSU for another SEC school yet just happened to come back to one when their position wasn't even open? Also, why the hate for a man that brought you a national championship? ;scr It just doesn't make any sense. Did you enjoy the DiNardo and Curley Hallman days that much????? :shock:
Expectations always bring disappoinment. Surely you don't expect an intelligent debate on LSUs motivation for winning. You don't need a skewed slant from LSU anyway...it is what it is.

We have several advantages in this game...homefield, great coaching and an explosive offensive (at times) .

It would be a beautiful moment to watch Miles make a really stupid mistake...like a clock mismanagement and or call an inappropriate play.

Just keep it close boys...keep it close
Bamatilldeath said:
It would be a beautiful moment to watch Miles make a really stupid mistake...like a clock mismanagement and or call an inappropriate play.

He has made huge gambles this year (UF and AU game) and "won" every one of them. Even my AU hubby says his luck will run out at some point. I just hope we're the ones on the other end of it. :)
Alright let me weigh in a bit...
LSU fans feel "wronged" because of a few reasons. First off I want to repeat that Saban built the foundation LSU and Miles currently stand on. No one in their right mind hates Saban for what he did while at LSU, in fact we respect his ability. Also, no sane LSU fan will deny that he will turn the Bama program around. With that said...as a student/fan of LSU I feel that Saban basically quit on his LSU team in 2004. He said he wont comment on a possible NFL job for months and then days before the Capital One bowl admitted he was leaving. That team had lots of talent, but was young and needed a strong leader and I think Saban basically quit on his team and the university. I had no problem with him taking an NFL job, its just the fact that he couldnt tell us and then he quit on us midseason.
He is also disliked becasue of his return to the SEC. It isnt because we are irrational. Anytime your coach leaves for a rival, it becomes fun to want to beat that coach, whether he was loved or hated. The manner in which he left Miami was somewhat disgraceful. I thought it to be a shame that he left those players without addressing the team and after claiming he "will not be the coach at Alabama." While this does not impact LSU directly, it was unethical and it only fuels the desire to beat him.
Lastly, and my personal main reason to want to beat Saban. Coach Miles is very disrespected among SEC coaches. Please note that the pass to Auburn was not a gamble. If time had expired for some reason then the play would have been reviewed and 4 seconds would have been put on the clock...check the replay. Coach Miles has done a magnificent job here at LSU regardless of whose players he has. You are correct that recruiting is easier when you're good, but this has nothing to do with Miles. We love the fact that hes honest and intense. The players love him and the man has lost 5 games in 2 and a half years. We really like Coach Miles and think he is superior to Saban because when it comes down to it, his record is better and thats the only number that matters in the long run. Time will tell to see if he can get a championship under his belt. We hate the talk of Miles being dumb because LSU is better than any team's fans that say that.
With that said I do see your point that this may be dumb, but it is what it is and as an LSU fan i cannot wait until saturday
I'm not trying to question you, its a serious question.

Can a play be reviewed in order for time to be put back on the clock? Anybody got NCAA Rulebook handy to answer?

EDIT: I'm gonna look at the PDF Rulebook for NCAA Rules.
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