| FTBL Alright Bamma People

AlaphaMale said:
Hopefully Miles knows he's playing BAMA and not Bamma. Though it's not a given.

I would not be surprised if he got confused at some point over the jersey color issue, thought it was a home game and missed it completely.
AlaphaMale said:
Hopefully Miles knows he's playing BAMA and not Bamma. Though it's not a given.

"..and with Les at the helm no loss is completely out of reach..."

LSU is better across the board on paper, but the games are played for a reason. Anything can happen Saturday. Especially with Les at the helm.
porkchop said:
AlaphaMale said:
Hopefully Miles knows he's playing BAMA and not Bamma. Though it's not a given.

"..and with Les at the helm no loss is completely out of reach..."

LSU is better across the board on paper, but the games are played for a reason. Anything can happen Saturday. Especially with Les at the helm.

If we win, I could see a potential headline "Bama defeats paper tigers"
yes I will give you the fact that the game is played for a reason. However, I am not sure the shot at Coach Miles is justified...he's done a pretty good job.
LSU has played some great home games this year. Top ten games at night against VTech and Florida. A night game with Auburn is always a big game. This has been, without a doubt, the funnest season I have seen. With that said, I have NEVER seen anticipation for a football game like there is for this game. The ENTIRE city is going nuts over this game and has been long before the season started. Look for LSU to come out hot. I estimate for 10-15K people to make the trip with only 7k getting tickets (I think). We are in the middle of alot of political campaigns. One of the candidates campaign sign is purple and gold and says vote "name" and on the side it has "Beat Bama." I cannot wait. It should be fun. Good luck
psh it is evident that I was, in fact, purposely using the incorrect spelling of the common word to give you crazy folk something to do with your time...hahaha oops
I will assume that since no one can comment on the game and any advantage the bama might have, that LSU is simply superior in all facets. Come on now, surely you can do better than making fun of a misspelling.
We would love to have an intelligent conversation about the upcoming game. But that would require us having an intelligent person to discuss this with. Do you know where we might find one?
Since you apparently don't have a whole lot of sense, I'll give you some help.


This thread has all the information you've been looking for and could be why no one has taken the time to respond in meaningful way here. The issue has been hashed and re-hashed a million times on this board and I think we're getting a little tired of LSU fans talking trash at this point. It would be a good place for you to start looking at why Bama just might sneak up and beat LSU.
yeah I saw that post earlier...i dont care about numbers. thats boring though. Anyone can go to espn's website and get that information. I want someones gut feeling reason. I gave you mine earlier. It had nothing to do with numbers
Agreed. I think there are still a number of plays in the offensive playbook we haven't seen yet and that could be part of what Major Applewhite and CNS have up their sleeves. We've been steadily improving as the season has gone on, but the difference maker will be which JPW shows up to the game.

If we get JPW from the UT game, things are going to be interesting. If we the JPW from the Ole Miss game, things could get ugly. His inconsistency has been one of our problems all year, but I attribute that to him still learning a new offense. He may be a Junior, but he's only had 10 months to learn an entirely new offense. I look for him to be on fire next year for sure, and if last week was any indication of what he has learned, things may start looking up beginning with that performance.

All in all, Bama is going to have to play their best game of the season to beat LSU. Short of that, LSU will probably win. The only thing that could really make difference is how much emphasis the players place on beating Saban. Distractions like that and the recent bar fight can kill a team's focus.
LSUstudent said:
yeah I saw that post earlier...i dont care about numbers. thats boring though. Anyone can go to espn's website and get that information. I want someones gut feeling reason. I gave you mine earlier. It had nothing to do with numbers

If you want a gut feeling, I'll give you mine.

If Alabama shows up...get ready for a good game. It's as simple as that...both sides of the ball.
And just so you don't go away disappointed, I'll give you the answer you REALLY want to hear:

I think Bama has a chance because we have the better Coach on our sideline.

I think our best chance at winning is on Your sideline.

Miles is obsessed with Saban and is almost guaranteed to do something stupid.

But it's pretty much a lose/lose for Miles and all y'all no matter what.

If you win- you're the favorite anyway, and it was done with a core of Sabans players,

If you lose- you were pretenders.

Have a good week cher'. An don le de do nob hit you en de derrière. :D

Feel better now??
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