| GAME THREAD šŸˆ Alabama vs Wisconsin.šŸˆ Fox Sports, at noon Eastern. (LIVE CHAT is on...)

Play calling was suspect at times it seemed. Iā€™m not an analyst guru but I thought we should have run the ball more and use more plays to set up other plays. Seemed extremely vanilla.
They had some success running on us.
Wisconsin seemed very well coached on fundamentals and was solid.
The talent level was the biggest difference.
Now the question is, Are we ready for Ga in two weeks?
idk, man....

Hot take here, but I think UGAy got exposed a little by Kentucky last night.

I think we'll fare much better on both O and D (even as good as yesterday's O was), considering we've been keeping the playbooks close to the vest on BOTH sides of the ball so far.

Not saying it'll be an outright win, but I think everybody lauding the bullpups are being too doom-and-gloom.

I DO like our chances, that said
Play calling was suspect at times it seemed. Iā€™m not an analyst guru but I thought we should have run the ball more and use more plays to set up other plays. Seemed extremely vanilla.
They had some success running on us.
Wisconsin seemed very well coached on fundamentals and was solid.
The talent level was the biggest difference.
I think the play calling was much better than last week. A few short throws. Of course when the OL plays better and the offense is not playing behind the chains due to penatlies it helps.

I would say they had a lot of success running the ball. The defense is by far my biggest concern. I know that is my norm but even more so with this group.
We're in week 2.

You expect anything different?
Wasnā€™t it week 3?
But, honestly, yeah.
We started slow again when I thought we would start a little better and I feel like we stopped ourselves on drives by the play calling and executing more than it was that Wisconsin stopped us.
Crimson colored glasses on, Watching the game from the stands, I felt that if we were clicking on all cylinders, offense and defense, they wouldnā€™t have scored at all and we would have scored on every drive.
I will be interested to see how hard this team will work on getting better, during the Bye..The team has been picked to easily win their first games.. But now, they are being told they have no chance..
I will be interested to see how hard this team will work on getting better, during the Bye..The team has been picked to easily win their first games.. But now, they are being told they have no chance..
How is a win in Camp Randall considered "an easy win?" They haven't been smacked up there in almost two decades like they were Saturday.
How is a win in Camp Randall considered "an easy win?" They haven't been smacked up there in almost two decades like they were Saturday.
For the first time, Bama is being told they are ā€œinferiorā€ to UGAā€¦ So we will see how the team handles that.. Up until now, Bama has been up to a 92% lock to win.. now they are considered a ā€œlock to loseā€ a gameā€¦
For the first time, Bama is being told they are ā€œinferiorā€ to UGAā€¦ So we will see how the team handles that.. Up until now, Bama has been up to a 92% lock to win.. now they are considered a ā€œlock to loseā€ a gameā€¦
Pre-season odds had them at one and a half dogs. Getting seven is putting your kids through college.
How is a win in Camp Randall considered "an easy win?" They haven't been smacked up there in almost two decades like they were Saturday.

I am taking it in stride, much like I did the Texas win in Austin. Starting quarterback goes out and there we are. Still struggled in Austin with their backup, but Wisconsin's backup was out if his league, but did start making some decent throws. Georgia has a veteran guy that won't be wide eyed when we play. Hope we contain him like we did in the SEC Championship, but we also had two big time corners.

I'm happy we won and that it wasn't close, but I'm still measured in my excitement about it all.
I am taking it in stride, much like I did the Texas win in Austin. Starting quarterback goes out and there we are. Still struggled in Austin with their backup, but Wisconsin's backup was out if his league, but did start making some decent throws. Georgia has a veteran guy that won't be wide eyed when we play. Hope we contain him like we did in the SEC Championship, but we also had two big time corners.

I'm happy we won and that it wasn't close, but I'm still measured in my excitement about it all.
Yep to me it will come down to CB and DL play by Bama. Of course playing a clean game and minimizing negative plays so the Offense is not playing behind the chains all night will be vital also.
No opponent receivers running free and open..
Yep which is why I said CB's. So far it has not hurt us but that is more because the teams we have played have not been able to make us pay with any consistency. That is about to change with some of the QB's we will face coming up. I get the CB's are young and in some cases true freshman.

We need to get Moore back as I see him as the QB of the D. At least he along with Lawson.
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