Is that an approximation or are you setting a timer to go off in two hours?
No way I could sit there and watch the draft all day. Like watching paint dry. My son asked, “dad, why do they show the room with all the coaches giving each other high fives, hugging and shaking hands after each pick?”. Me, “probably because the NFL tells them to do that”. Some celebrate making a 43rd pick like they just won the lottery. It’s a little odd. We don’t do that in my line of work when we make a profitable decision.
If the count is correct, Udub has eight in the first four. If I get bored I'll look more in depth at them. Strong number from a team that notched four wins, three seasons ago.Agree... I'll usually watch the 1st round and sometimes night 2... zero interest in day 3. I'll just check the draft ticker on a site for updates occasionally. But, I also know a few folks who live and breathe it. IMO, the coverage over the years has gotten worse though... Saban was great in his role, but all this interviewing family members and such is terrible.
If the count is correct, Udub has eight in the first four. If I get bored I'll look more in depth at them. Strong number from a team that notched four wins, three seasons ago.
IF I'm right as well ... at the end of R4 AU hasn't had a name called?
How many more Bama has sitting and waiting?
I'm hoping he will get drafted. Those little kitties now have two that has been drafted.Jalen Key, Dakcourt, and Reichard. At this point, it would be just as well for Key and Dalcourt to not get drafted and have some FA options.
I'm hoping he will get drafted. Those little kitties now have two that has been drafted.
Drafted or not, he will get a good opportunity to earn a spot somewhere. Would imagine someone will scoop him up in the 7th, but we'll see....
The name is just ... weird. At least no 'Bama bangs.'Looks like this is who Reichard will be competing with for the job...
So with Reichard being drafted does this mean Coach Saban has all 22 positions drafters?
26 if you include "Mr. Irrelevant."Well, 23 if you're counting... 24 if include punter... 25 if you throw in long snappers...