Alabama football books


I have read "Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer: A Road Trip Into the Heart of Fan Mania" by Warren St. John (really made me want to buy an RV and follow Bama around .. Someday, maybe), and I am currently reading "The Last Coach: A Life of Paul 'Bear' Bryant" by Allen Barra right now. I'm only about a chapter into "Last Coach" but I LOVE it. Feels like an intimate read into the Bear's life.

Have you guys read any other good Bama books?

I tell ya, when I was in Tuscaloosa 2 weeks ago (wish I was still there!), it took all the strength I had not to buy every book off the shelves ..
Personally ,I don't think there is a bad Bama book out there. I have a few and still plan to go thru a few more.

One that i just saw last night was for The Junction Boys. I haven't seen the movie yet and didn't know about the book til now.
Turnaround is another good one. First few chapters cover Coach Bryant's career leading up to him being hired at Alabama. The rest of the book details how he turned Bama around, as they sucked for several years leading up to his arrival.
I agree The Missing Ring and Last Coach are good, two of my favorites. Clyde Bolton's (an old sportswriter from the Bham News) old book, The Crimson Tide, is a good look at Coach Bryant's heyday. Although it's a work of fiction interspersed with factual characters, but Crimson Coronation is a pretty good read that pits a heavenly playoff between the Bama championship teams (including '66 if I recall) of '92 and earlier. For those who might be interested in a devotional, or just about inspirational stories of Bama related figures, God Bless the Crimson Tide by Ed McMinn is pretty good. There are many others.



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