A Thread About the Quad

My dad grew up around Berry and helped build several structures there, as a gopher. He dropped out of school after third grade to start working. Dad's family then moved from Rome to Fort Payne, where he met my mom and spent several years wooing her.

As for the quad, I have one story, aside from being on it for game days. I was in Tuscaloosa, visiting a friend in either '91 or '92, staying at his Frat house, when a surprise ice.snow storm hit. It was mostly snow in Tuscaloosa, ice on 59. I got stuck there for a few more days. The day after it hit, seems like everyone on campus met up on the quad for the largest snowball fight in history. Several students brought homemade slingshots and other devices for hurling snow. That was some fun and I hooked up with a smoking little Bama gal during that free for all, so had someone to warm up with afterward.
My dad grew up around Berry and helped build several structures there, as a gopher. He dropped out of school after third grade to start working. Dad's family then moved from Rome to Fort Payne, where he met my mom and spent several years wooing her.

As for the quad, I have one story, aside from being on it for game days. I was in Tuscaloosa, visiting a friend in either '91 or '92, staying at his Frat house, when a surprise ice.snow storm hit. It was mostly snow in Tuscaloosa, ice on 59. I got stuck there for a few more days. The day after it hit, seems like everyone on campus met up on the quad for the largest snowball fight in history. Several students brought homemade slingshots and other devices for hurling snow. That was some fun and I hooked up with a smoking little Bama gal during that free for all, so had someone to warm up with afterward.

That was the Spring of '93 ICE STORM! My roommate and I were eating lunch at our apartment when the news came on announcing just how bad it was going to get. We both ran to the kitchen and after looking in the cabinets and fridge, declared " we are going to die!" We were flat broke, so we packed up our vehicles and headed home, north of Birmingham, Warrior area. It was another 6-7 days before we could make it back to T'town.
That was the Spring of '93 ICE STORM! My roommate and I were eating lunch at our apartment when the news came on announcing just how bad it was going to get. We both ran to the kitchen and after looking in the cabinets and fridge, declared " we are going to die!" We were flat broke, so we packed up our vehicles and headed home, north of Birmingham, Warrior area. It was another 6-7 days before we could make it back to T'town.

I know it wasn't that one, as I got married in Dec '92 and she would not have let me go to T-Town to party plus in the 10 years I was married, I never cheated. I did go to some strip clubs near the end of my marriage. Also the roads were only closed for like 2-3 days. It was either '91 or '92, can't recall exactly which. It was a complete surprise storm. They thought there might be flurries that Friday night. Woke up the next morning to like 6 inches of snow on the ground. There was no more after that. Also, I was driving a '89 Mustang, which would not have done well trying to drive back. I am sure many others braved the roads that Saturday.

I think the '93 storm had over a foot of total accumulation(in Tuscaloosa), over a couple of days. I was snowed in on Lookout Mtn for over a week for that one, we got like 2 feet total plus every tree with an inch thick coating of ice. You could sit there and listen to branches breaking every few seconds, from the woods around my house.
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