A comment on Election Day (for one day we'll leave this on the main forum...election result commenta


I'm Bonafied!!
Today is election day, just remember if your choice wins or loses, we still live in a country where a vote is possible, most countries you can't vote or it is just for show.......

As a past President once said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can......do.....is that Marilyn Monroe over there?"

(no political posts please)
Terry, the day we vote is in the Constitution as well. Makes me wonder about early voting, but oh well. Some states don't have early voting, only absentee.
Parsing words, but you are correct. Congress chooses election day and that day has been set.

In other words, the government does have the right, by those set forth in the Constitution, to tell the citizens what day the vote will be held.

How's that?
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It won't be long before they are allowing people to vote on line, mark my words...

The technology is there today.

However, there's the point it would require a government issued and monitored IP address for every registered voter. Which in turn means...wait for it...BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING.

In which of those states you suggested allows that?
About average turnout where I vote. I've voted at the same place for 36 years and always vote about the same time of day. I'm always in the mid 40's as far as the number of voters who voted before me. Today i was # 47. Not that anyone is interested in that but I love living in the country.
I think we should just divide the country up into Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, and Socialist/Communist's sections. I'll move to the section with a strong military, freedom of Religion, balanced budgets, plenty of industry, non-electric cars that can go more than 50 miles and over 35 MPH without recharging, no tax paid abortions, plenty of American gasoline, energy independence, individual freedom, a smaller Government, national pride, plenty of jobs, where criminals are treated like criminals and victims are treated like victims, No trillion dollars debt, and of course___low taxes...

Guess which one that is?:biggrin_blue::biggrin_blue::biggrin_blue:

Crimson, you forgot the state that loves college football on a crisp fall Saturday!
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