Obviously, this will be a battle for Bama. Against some SEC teams you can win the series simply by having hots bats -or- great pitching/defense for the weekend. The Hogs? It's gonna take both. And hot bats against them may only mean scoring 4 runs in a game, which puts the pressure on the starters/pen to perform well. Honestly, I just want to see how Bama competes this weekend... they should have good crowds and they play better at home. Can they play some cleaner defense and give out fewer free passes? Can they have some better approaches at the plate? I'd LOVE to see Vaughn change some things with the lineup, but I'm not sure we'll see too much of that (he did slide Sleight down in the order against USA, and Sleight went 2 for 3). I will say, a couple of times in recent years, Bama has jumped on Arkansas for at least one of the games. Maybe that trend will continue tonight...