šŸˆ 1st Bama Game Opinion


Verified Member
So, we were offered complimentary tix to a home Bama game... only the choices were Kentucky, Ark St. Tulane, or W. Ky... So, as odd as it seems I've never been to a Bama home game. I need opinions. Which game should I pop my fruit on?
shiloh said:
So, we were offered complimentary tix to a home Bama game... only the choices were Kentucky, Ark St. Tulane, or W. Ky... So, as odd as it seems I've never been to a Bama home game. I need opinions. Which game should I pop my fruit on?
probably UK, due to the simple fact that it will probably be the most competitive game out of that group.....i hope :)
I sold hotdogs at my first home game. It was at Legion Field vs. UT Chattanooga if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't exactly the time of my life. 1994??

I would pick Kentucky out of that group but either way you should have a blast, just don't agree to sell any food.
Kentucky will probably be close IMO, mainly because of the fact that we will be coming off back to back road games and will have to try and catch our breath at home. Plus Kentucky's defense will be solid, not great, but solid. If they can get any kind of O they will give us a very hard time.
I recommend the Arkansas State game; it's homecoming. Arrive in T-Town on Friday night to see the pep rally and bonfire. Be sure to check out sorority row before the game. I also like our chances to end the November losing streak. 8)
I was thinking KY, but a pep rally and bonfire sounds good. Sorority row sounds even better. Given that I don't know the atmosphere, I have another question. I have an almost 3 year old will probably be travelling with my wife and I. I don't know that he'll last the whole game, and I'm pretty big on discipline. That said, if he even glimpses a football player dressed in our colors, he screams "Go BAM! Go Bam Go Bam!" He loves big crowds and such. But, should I take him at all? How crazy is it?
pimpsahoy said:
I sold hotdogs at my first home game. It was at Legion Field vs. UT Chattanooga if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't exactly the time of my life. 1994??

I would pick Kentucky out of that group but either way you should have a blast, just don't agree to sell any food.
I thought only future Bama running backs were allowed to vend at Legion Field.
We discussed the whole kids idea just the other day. :) You can read mine and see I've been bringing mine since they were 3.


My first game with a child was Homecoming. It's usually a non-stressful opponent and if you have to leave early because of your child at least it's not a huge SEC-type game. I've never had to leave early, but I've seen many parents that thought their child could make it and it didn't work out.

Just all depends on the child. Mine were exposed to football early and often and were ready.

The Tulane and Western Kentucky games are night games with 7:00 eastern starts. I'd stay away from those simply because they will be late ones unless your child is a real night-owl.
I would have to recomend the UK game. SEC matchup and UK is the least likely to lay down and roll over for us, but since you have a 3 year old I'd prolly recomend whichever game starts the earliest between Ark State and UK. If they start at the same time, my vote goes to UK. Though, if you decide you can't go, I'm always up to take some tickets off your hands. :wink: :lol:
bamaupsman said:
pimpsahoy said:
I sold hotdogs at my first home game. It was at Legion Field vs. UT Chattanooga if I'm not mistaken. It wasn't exactly the time of my life. 1994??

I would pick Kentucky out of that group but either way you should have a blast, just don't agree to sell any food.
I thought only future Bama running backs were allowed to vend at Legion Field.

If you think Coach Saban needs a 5'11" 165lb running back then I'll try out.
Thanks. Looks like Arky States gonna be it because we can't go any earlier. I'm supposed to finish a script before then. But, I spend most of my (wayy too much) time here. I swear to God, writing is like pulling teeth. I like having done it to get rid of the ache, but the process is a real B^&%#$^%#^%!
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