| FOOD 1 point for every food you will not eat. Go.


Brussel Sprouts
Brussel Sprouts
Raw Fish

I can eat some things like carrots in a dish, don't throw a spoonful of carrots on my plate or we'll fight. Some others fit criteria too. Celery should ONLY be used to flavor things. Cabbage in slaw? In egg rolls? Cooked with Conecuh? Yes. Cabbage by itself, nope. Black olives, yes. Green olives, hard pass. Raw Fish? The closest thing I can get to that is raw sushi, and I don't care for it.
Sounds a lot like mine. I also will not eat pickles (taste like what I imagine Satan's salty bunghole would taste like), but my Chick Fil A sandwich must have had the pickles on it before I take them off. That is weird but it is what it is.

I've never been a huge pickle fan, but do like them on burgers and sandwiches like Chick-fil-a. But, I've been enjoying Wickles Pickles a lot lately.
Coffee, oysters, snails and raw fish. I've tried to drink coffee after my wife retired because she loves it but I have to put so much milk and sugar in it I just give up.
Coffee, oysters, snails and raw fish. I've tried to drink coffee after my wife retired because she loves it but I have to put so much milk and sugar in it I just give up.

It smells nice sometimes, but it tastes terrible. When I get to school in the mornings, I have breakfast with a bottle of water. Then I pop two cans of Diet Mtn. Dew in a Bama stadium cup. My caffiene fill for the day will have been met by lunch. :)
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