You still think funnymaine is funny? He's blaming you!

I never thought I'd say this, but there is actually a silver lining to the cancellation of the college football season. No funnylame. He started doing the how Bama fans watched videos in 2015 and they are all the same. Same reactions, same little catch prhases "run da bawl...hee hee hee". Without college football, that dumb fuck's career is over. Doing goofy ass videos of watching Bama games was his shtick. Without that, he ain't got shit. Good riddance to the asshole.
I lost all respect for him back in June when he was seen on TV demanding people to riot and tear down statues. His videos, at times funny, have run their course for me and many other people. It matters not to me that he is an Alabama fan or not. I have the right as an adult and fan not to click on any of his links and I will not.
He has become the Internet's version of a 'drive by shooter.' This outrageous tweet when he himself was as guilty as the ones he's pointing to here. What gets me is he's jumping on the 'net to post these things then limiting responses to those who are like minded. There is no tolerance for anothers beliefs.
I lost all respect for him back in June when he was seen on TV demanding people to riot and tear down statues. His videos, at times funny, have run their course for me and many other people. It matters not to me that he is an Alabama fan or not. I have the right as an adult and fan not to click on any of his links and I will not.

And then soon denied he said anything like that...It's good that Birmingham came to its senses and let him off the hook. :cautious:
It's amazing how quickly our society is to negate someone due to their opinions. I didn't agree with him when he advocated for the removal of statues, but does that mean I should ridicule anything else he says? What I read in his tweet is that we all had the opportunity to contribute to life back to normal by wearing a mask, social distancing, avoiding large crowds, etc. But many of us called the virus a hoax, refused to wear a mask (because they "didn't work") or insisted on attending large gatherings because "it's against our rights to prevent us." Our opinions are different from his so he's wrong.

I know many people point out that the death rate for COVID-19 is the same/less than the regular flu. I'll point out that the death rate for COVID-19 is IN ADDITION TO the death rate of other health issues. In other words we have an additional 163K deaths this year that wouldn't happen in any other year.

I see several issues involving COVID-19. The tests are inconsistent. The governor of Ohio tested positive but then two days later tested negative. Hospitals are bumping up their stats (they do get additional funding for the treatment of COVID-19) by classifying probables as positives. Other deaths are being classified as COVID-19 (Man who died in motorcycle crash counted as COVID-19 death in Florida: Report ). In my own case, my mom was diagnosed as COVID-positive in April but was asymptomatic and died due to an infection. Her death was a COVID death. The "experts" have been inconsistent on whether or not masks work or not but more importantly they are challenged by people who know nothing.

Ask yourself, do you wear a mask? It doesn't prevent transmission but if it reduces the chances from 70% to 30%, those are much better odds. Are you gathering in large crowds? You don't have to catch COVID to transmit COVID.

Bottom line is I hate today's cancel culture. Whoever says something that conflicts with existing opinions should be banned, cancelled, ostracized and never patronized by anyone ever again. Let's not be so quick to interpret what a tweet doesn't mean.
It's amazing how quickly our society is to negate someone due to their opinions. I didn't agree with him when he advocated for the removal of statues, but does that mean I should ridicule anything else he says?
This has nothing to do with his opinions. He's a fraud, a liar, and an instigator.

Time and time again he bragged about his faith and how his act was clean without any profanity or vulgarity. As soon as he demanded Alabama fans support Auburn in the basketball tournament and fans took umbrage he let out verbal attacks laced with profanity and vulgarity. A fraud.

As soon as he was confronted about him jumping behind the mic and calling for protesters to tear down statues only to say he never said any of the sort he exposed himself once again. This time, as a liar.

The fact that he was at those protest encouraging destruction? An instigator.

One's opinion is theirs. And, just because it differs from mine isn't enough for me to "negate someone." However, when things like what I've just cited happen, it's no longer opinion. He's being judged on who he is, what he's done, and what he's said.
I know many people point out that the death rate for COVID-19 is the same/less than the regular flu. I'll point out that the death rate for COVID-19 is IN ADDITION TO the death rate of other health issues. In other words we have an additional 163K deaths this year that wouldn't happen in any other year.

My policy is to choose who I ignore, and I don't advertise it. I agree the whole cancel culture is whacky. I will say that the Moral Majority pursued a similar line against Disney when they had a gay day at the park. I'm not sure how that worked out.

In regard to your quoted passage, I do need to point out that - and my information linked is a little dated because it was when the U.S. stood at 103M deaths in June - that over 80 percent of COVID deaths were in individuals 65 and over. I don't mean to be cold about it, but the mortality rates for 65 to 90 year olds (I'm stopping there because the tail risk rises quickly) range from one percent to over thirteen percent. Since the over 85 crowd represents one-third of all deaths, I'm probably being conservative. Some 65+ citizens were going to have strokes, complications from knee/hip, coronary or respiratory issues, etc.


Could you explain a little more? can be transmitted by someone who didn't actually catch it themselves?

If you're close to someone that has COVID (with or without symptoms) you can catch it. If someone has been exposed to COVID (droplets have made their way to collect on their clothes) and then the area of exposure comes in contact with you, you can catch it.

When I was visiting my mom in her final days, we had to gown up each time we went into the room (gown, gloves, hairnet, goggles and/or facemask). Upon leaving, we had to throw out the gowns and gloves before leaving the room. When we got back to where we were staying (I stayed with my sister), we had to wash our clothes. Getting exposed makes you a time bomb for everyone else.
My policy is to choose who I ignore, and I don't advertise it. I agree the whole cancel culture is whacky. I will say that the Moral Majority pursued a similar line against Disney when they had a gay day at the park. I'm not sure how that worked out.

In regard to your quoted passage, I do need to point out that - and my information linked is a little dated because it was when the U.S. stood at 103M deaths in June - that over 80 percent of COVID deaths were in individuals 65 and over. I don't mean to be cold about it, but the mortality rates for 65 to 90 year olds (I'm stopping there because the tail risk rises quickly) range from one percent to over thirteen percent. Since the over 85 crowd represents one-third of all deaths, I'm probably being conservative. Some 65+ citizens were going to have strokes, complications from knee/hip, coronary or respiratory issues, etc.



Agreed. The older population has a worse survival rate. So do those with underlying health issues (diabetes, asthma, heart disease, cancer, cancer survivors, etc.). Minorities also have a higher rate of death. Recently a "healthy" 7-year old died in metro Atlanta. I have heard that the virus is mutating and the age groups most effected is changing.
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