šŸˆ Yet another great PR move (recruits) for Saban (GA content)


Going back about a year we had a discussion here about Saban being the featured speaker at a fund raising event in Mobile. If you don't recall, the event was "Team Focus" which is a charity Mike Gottfried is heavily involved in that is centered on fatherless children. Knowing he always has recruiting on his mind I thought about the ramifications it would have on the community as a whole. Great PR for him, and for the University. As we can see he's made his presence known in the Mobile community in a BIG way.

I have no doubt he picks and chooses his speaking engagements. When I heard he was going to be one of the main speakers at the Nike camp for coaching staffs I saw it as yet another opportunity. As it ended up, it was a standing room only situation with Saban and other coaches of name, Bobby Bowden as one, were relegated to smaller venues.

Then, this past weekend with the coaches clinic (over 1000 coaches attending) it was once again a coup. There is no need to mention who was speaking along with Saban...but to say the least it was a success on many different levels.

This year, we have some great players that are coming out of in state high schools but it isn't comparable to the talent we had last season.

The state that is loaded this year is Georgia.

To put this in perspective, recall the recent rule changes that will keep HC's from evaluating talent during the spring in person. Ah, but there's an answer.

Scout.com is launching a recruiting expo this year in Georgia. It's an opportunity for high school coaches to come to the event, bring tape of their prospects, and promote these kids to different HC of major University's in the SE. There are two HS coaches in Georgia that have put this together and the expo will be in two different towns at the end of this month and the beginning of next month. There are going to be hundreds of coaches at these two locations.

Why do I bring that up?

Featured keynote speaker happens to be from UA; Coach Saban.
Througout all the books and articles I've read regarding Coach Bryant and how alot of the "rule changes" in regards to practicing and recruiting were meant to reduce the effectiveness (seen as unfair advantage) of Coach Bryant, it really just boiled down to one thing... trying to reduce the effectiveness of hard work and dedication.

The latest ruling regarding spring evaluations is no different. It's meant to hold back those who work hard. The smart ones can get around that legally, and still work hard.

Go Saban.
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