| FTBL Who was the reporter that Coach Saban went off on?

To be fair to the reporter, Saban did take what he was asking initially the wrong way IMO. But it was something that needed to be said anyways. This IS the man for ther job here at UA. Love it! 8)

To answer your question though, I have no idea who it was.
BamaDelta said:

The question was "have you ever had a team that didn't respond" (i.e. to his methods, the process, etc...)?

I tell you I'd be scared to ask a question. If I did venture up the courage :wink: I'd make darn sure it was a good 'un.

That was Paul Gattis (Huntsville Times). You can always recognize him at the PC's by 2 distinct ways... his asinine questions are on par with Ian Rapaport's and even Ward Burton thinks he sounds like a redneck.
I just wonder if there has ever been a reporter that CNS has ever had respect for? Liked? or gone out of his way for? Perhaps, many of the press corp are just the wrong guys for the job? What ever happened to the old guard reporters like a Sam Donaldson type doing sports? Just the way it is I guess... We have some real beautys heah' in MeeAmi
Referee said:
I just wonder if there has ever been a reporter that CNS has ever had respect for? Liked? or gone out of his way for? Perhaps, many of the press corp are just the wrong guys for the job? What ever happened to the old guard reporters like a Sam Donaldson type doing sports? Just the way it is I guess... We have some real beautys heah' in MeeAmi

Several, in fact. I know he has a lot of respect for Cecil, as well as Maisel.

The ones he doesn't have put themselves in the situations they are in...
Thinking about this since I listened to it last night...

While I think Gattis isn't the quintessential example of a good reporter I think it's important to note Saban took advantage of his question to send a message. A strong one, no doubt.

There are members of the team that needed to hear the message, there are fans that needed to hear it as well.
Speaking of these reporters, Terry or Porter, do you know the name of the younger sounding guy? He seems to ask some rather obvious answer-questions a lot from the press conferences and was just curious who it is. He gets on my nerves.
Porterhouse said:
BamaDelta said:

The question was "have you ever had a team that didn't respond" (i.e. to his methods, the process, etc...)?

I tell you I'd be scared to ask a question. If I did venture up the courage :wink: I'd make darn sure it was a good 'un.

That was Paul Gattis (Huntsville Times). You can always recognize him at the PC's by 2 distinct ways... his asinine questions are on par with Ian Rapaport's and even Ward Burton thinks he sounds like a redneck.

Speaking of these reporters, Terry or Porter, do you know the name of the younger sounding guy? He seems to ask some rather obvious answer-questions a lot from the press conferences and was just curious who it is. He gets on my nerves.

I suspect it's Ian Rappaport. What questions are you talking about in particular? I'll listen again if you want.

He's been asking idiotic questions all year long.
TerryP said:
Speaking of these reporters, Terry or Porter, do you know the name of the younger sounding guy? He seems to ask some rather obvious answer-questions a lot from the press conferences and was just curious who it is. He gets on my nerves.

I suspect it's Ian Rappaport. What questions are you talking about in particular? I'll listen again if you want.

He's been asking idiotic questions all year long.

TerryP said:
Speaking of these reporters, Terry or Porter, do you know the name of the younger sounding guy? He seems to ask some rather obvious answer-questions a lot from the press conferences and was just curious who it is. He gets on my nerves.

I suspect it's Ian Rappaport. What questions are you talking about in particular? I'll listen again if you want.

He's been asking idiotic questions all year long.

I'd have to go back and listen to some of the pressers again to get a few examples. I think you're right with it being Ian. I asked a guy from work if he knew and he mentioned the same person. Glad to see I'm not the only one noticing how moronic he can be. :lol:
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