| FTBL Where have all the Auburn flags gone?

Bamaman37 said:
Proud Tiger said:
bamarooski said:
Typical Barner when their team drops a couple of games they go back to their bunker! and pout! :lol: But I have a better idea they could just drop them off at their local jiffy lube and be used there! RTR! :lol:

That's funny because it's exactly what we say when Bama is losing. I guess the opposite side in a rivalry always likes to think that. For the record, my flag, stickers, etc., are all in place and I'm wearing my A_U-B-U-R-N shirts every day, even moreso than usual (dang I wish ya'll weren't afraid to see the name spelled out without hyphens. :D :D

I might add that losing a FB game doesn't change what I do with my paraphenalia because my love of my school is about a lot more than football and I think (at least hope) that's the same with ya'll too.

I've never noticed many BAMA fans hiding their paraphernalia when BAMA is not playing well. I have seen it a few time but not many. It would be something like 1 BAMA fan to every 100 aubarn fan.

Let me just say this. There is a sports memorabilia store here in North Alabama that sells BAMA, aubarn, and violentqueers stuff. I know the woman that owns the store, and this is what she told me. Even during the year aubarn went undefeated, she still sold more BAMA gear than aubarn crap. She said BAMA sales never take big dips, even during the 3-8 year, she still sold as much BAMA gear as she does now. aubarn crap, on the other hand, is sold in waves. When aubarn is winning, she sales more of their crap. When they are losing, and not playing well, she says the abuarn sales dip significantly.

Which store would that be? :twisted:
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