| FTBL What's best from a recruiting standpoint?


We're in the SEC championship game, and unless us or Florida slip up, it looks like the winner will be playing in the National Championship and the loser in the Sugar Bowl (against an at large team).

What I'm wondering is when CNS or another coach are trying to convince a recruit who's still making up their mind to come here, would it be a better selling point that we won the Sugar Bowl (beating up on someone like Utah or Boise State), or made it to the National Championship (but lost to a strong Big 12 team)? Either scenario would have us finishing at 13-1, so I'm just wondering which would be better for recruiting?

(Obviously I'm cheering like hell for us to go all the way and win everything, but I do realise it's gonna be tough to do this and we may lose at some point.)
Regardless of the final outcome, the fact we were #1 during the course of the regular season is a great selling point.

No better recruiting tool than being on top.
Of course if we're #1 when the smoke clears, that will speak for itself.

Argo said:
Coach Saban signed the #1 class last year with a 7-6 record and a bowl victory in Shreveport.

Excellent point. There's no excuse for not having the #1 class this year as well then :D

Seriously though, thanks for all your answers guys, I'm sure we're gonna have a great recruiting class no matter what bowl we end up in!!
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