| OT What are your Memorial Day weekend plans? Plus a homework assignment...

Brandon Van de Graaff

A defensive deity, inventor of the Concussion.
I'll watch Band of Brothers over the course of the next 3 days, I usually do that every year at this time... Mrs. Van de Graaff is having friends over tomorrow, so 4 slabs of ribs and some BBQ chicken thighs will be on the docket. Leftovers on Sunday and will probably throw ribeyes on the grill Monday evening. I'm most excited about picking up some boiled Cajun peanuts tomorrow from the dude that sets up down the road. Haven't had any since last year's Memorial Day weekend.

Hope you all have a fun, safe weekend. Now for the assignment... I'd encourage everyone to at least take a moment and reflect on what Memorial Day is all about... the time with family and all the BBQ is great... but more and more, this holiday has turned into a 'recliner sale day' at the furniture stores and less about those who never made it home. If you can, reply in this thread with an article, a story, a video, etc. of one of those that deserves to be remembered and honored. It can be a family member, a friend, or someone with no personal connections at all (like mine in this case). I chose Navy SEAL, and Medal of Honor recipient, Michael Monsoor. I just happened to walk up and see/visit by his grave in San Diego a few years ago when I stopped to check out the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery while in the area with my family. His story has stuck with me ever since.

I'll watch Band of Brothers over the course of the next 3 days, I usually do that every year at this time... Mrs. Van de Graaff is having friends over tomorrow, so 4 slabs of ribs and some BBQ chicken thighs will be on the docket. Leftovers on Sunday and will probably throw ribeyes on the grill Monday evening. I'm most excited about picking up some boiled Cajun peanuts tomorrow from the dude that sets up down the road. Haven't had any since last year's Memorial Day weekend.

Hope you all have a fun, safe weekend. Now for the assignment... I'd encourage everyone to at least take a moment and reflect on what Memorial Day is all about... the time with family and all the BBQ is great... but more and more, this holiday has turned into a 'recliner sale day' at the furniture stores and less about those who never made it home. If you can, reply in this thread with an article, a story, a video, etc. of one of those that deserves to be remembered and honored. It can be a family member, a friend, or someone with no personal connections at all (like mine in this case). I chose Navy SEAL, and Medal of Honor recipient, Michael Monsoor. I just happened to walk up and see/visit by his grave in San Diego a few years ago when I stopped to check out the Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery while in the area with my family. His story has stuck with me ever since.

In Band of Brothers when they were sent to the battle of the bulge. The company they were sent to help was my PawPaws company
Started the grilling today with Momofuku's Bo Ssam, highly recommend it if you've never tried it, basically Korean style pork butt. We're going to craters of the moon and idaho falls tomorrow so probably grab something at a brewery. Sunday ribeyes and Monday ribs then head to Yellowstone for 2 weeks Tuesday.

I would like to remember those lost on the USS Cole especially EW1 Rux and EW2 Owens. I was in combat when the Admiral asked our CO on a conference call to get fuel in Yemen. Our CO said he didn't feel comfortable pulling in there, the CO of the Cole rogered up and said they would take it. I was an EW on the USS Normandy and it could have easily been us in that blast so the deaths of those two guys hit home with me. I appreciate all who made the ultimate sacrifice for us and our country.
Wait. What? Sledge was your professor?
Yes. Had him for two classes, zoology and comparative vertebrate anatomy. In comparative, he railed over the administration not approving his funding request to have the twenty microscopes in our lab cleaned. He said, "the trustees just approved the construction of our third theater on campus. It costs $150 to have a microscope professionally cleaned, $3,000 for them all. Request denied. Do you know how many theater and music majors I'm going to have to fail in Biology 100 (the only mandatory science class for non-majors) over $3,000." He had a take no prisoners approach to outside students, but he was a heck of a professor to us.

When I attended Montevallo, he hadn't written With the Old Breed, never mentioned his service, and none of us knew anything about it. His family prompted him to write that book from the notes he'd written in his Bible - a shooting offense for an enlisted man - after I'd graduated. I was in a hotel room somewhere, getting ready to go to a bank examination, had a morning show on the TV and saw/heard him being interviewed. I never knew that side of him.

We never know who we're encountering day to day, good or bad.
Yes. Had him for two classes, zoology and comparative vertebrate anatomy. In comparative, he railed over the administration not approving his funding request to have the twenty microscopes in our lab cleaned. He said, "the trustees just approved the construction of our third theater on campus. It costs $150 to have a microscope professionally cleaned, $3,000 for them all. Request denied. Do you know how many theater and music majors I'm going to have to fail in Biology 100 (the only mandatory science class for non-majors) over $3,000." He had a take no prisoners approach to outside students, but he was a heck of a professor to us.

When I attended Montevallo, he hadn't written With the Old Breed, never mentioned his service, and none of us knew anything about it. His family prompted him to write that book from the notes he'd written in his Bible - a shooting offense for an enlisted man - after I'd graduated. I was in a hotel room somewhere, getting ready to go to a bank examination, had a morning show on the TV and saw/heard him being interviewed. I never knew that side of him.

We never know who we're encountering day to day, good or bad.
Interesting story! I woull on d have mentioned those experiences while I taught? But those guys were a different breed.

What type of bank exams did you do? I’ve done a bunch of those in my days.
When I attended Montevallo, he hadn't written With the Old Breed, never mentioned his service, and none of us knew anything about it. His family prompted him to write that book from the notes he'd written in his Bible - a shooting offense for an enlisted man - after I'd graduated. I was in a hotel room somewhere, getting ready to go to a bank examination, had a morning show on the TV and saw/heard him being interviewed. I never knew that side of him.

We never know who we're encountering day to day, good or bad.
That rocks me to the core. Wow. Damn.
Hanging out with my mom and watching softball. Tried to work in some golf, but everywhere is booked. Cut the grass earlier this week to get ahead of the rain.

Probably will put on The Pacific this weekend or Saving Private Ryan. I do like Band of Brothers, but sometimes it seems they glorified the European Theater. Not that the entire series is glorified or it isn't a great mini series either (top five for me). But it does have a lot of heartwarming aspects to it. They did an excellent job of showing Eugene Sledge's descent into inhumanity and how the war affected him.

My grandfather served in WW2 and was a part of D-Day. While liberating France, a german mine went off near him and shrapnel went into his left eye. Had to get a glass eye.
Played nine today at 41 tripling the seventh. First time I have a triple bogey in A LONG time.
You must be experienced. I've been playing since 2018 and I'd be surprised if I didn't triple on both the front and back 9. But I never really committed to being better until recently and started going to the driving range twice a week.
You must be experienced. I've been playing since 2018 and I'd be surprised if I didn't triple on both the front and back 9. But I never really committed to being better until recently and started going to the driving range twice a week.
I've played a few rounds in my lifetime. It's about like any other sport: tone down your expectations and just play the game. It's easier than you may realize.
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