| FTBL What are all the LSU people saying after the game

Just go to tigger dropping/inbreeds.com it will tell you all you need to know. BTW someone might want to give an english 028 or 101 class for the LSU fan base.

anyone else see bama wr keith brown mocking the lsu players by waving his hand in front of his face. then he went on to mock dorsey by doing his signature walk with his arms swaying. i was so happy when this clown dropped that pass at the end of the game. made the win that much more sweet to see him choke like that.

My personal fav
Finebaum is a genius He bashes Alabama fans, Auburn fans and his home state can't stop listening to him.

He calls Baton Rouge a toxic waste dump, and we STICKY A THREAD ON OUR BOARD TO REMIND EVERYONE TO LISTEN TO HIS SHOW!!!

GREAT GUYS!! Go make fun of Alabama fans on how they are dumb rednecks.

A Lsu fan is calling us rednecks :roll:

"Croom-son" Tide (Posted on 11/5 at 3:01 p.m. to kbro)

Miss. St. OWNS the state of Alabama
The most interesting thing I've seen is the talk about how teams are worn out after they play LSU and they point to the losses some of those teams have taken after the two teams played.

Overall, the attitude hasn't changed much on the forum I visit. (it isn't tigerdroppings) Some are saying we have better talent that we claim to have. A few are mentioning their disciplined play problems...most, are continuing right where they left off.
That is one thing you can count on when it comes to Mississippi State, Ole Miss, LSU, UT and Auburn. Alabama is and remains the most rivaled school in the SEC.

AubRun is the rival though. Then comes those other two schools.
Actually, most of the "sane fans" are just happy to come out of Tuscaloosa with a win. And while I know Bama has their own issues with the refs, we are unhappy about the 14 penalties for 143 yards and the 3 Int's Flynn threw in the first half.

Of course, I also realize that the penalties were mostly undisciplined LSU players...

We also like how Vanilla Ice (Hester's nickname given him by a Florida player after a tackle) ran down the Bama defender after that long interception return. Surprised the crap out of me!
parrotdr said:
We also like how Vanilla Ice (Hester's nickname given him by a Florida player after a tackle) ran down the Bama defender after that long interception return. Surprised the crap out of me!

Me to. That Hester is a beast. I feel like he will have a real career in the NFL.
parrotdr said:
Actually, most of the "sane fans" are just happy to come out of Tuscaloosa with a win. And while I know Bama has their own issues with the refs, we are unhappy about the 14 penalties for 143 yards and the 3 Int's Flynn threw in the first half.

Of course, I also realize that the penalties were mostly undisciplined LSU players...

We also like how Vanilla Ice (Hester's nickname given him by a Florida player after a tackle) ran down the Bama defender after that long interception return. Surprised the crap out of me!

That threw me off. He's so big I thought he was a TE or something. I was like "WTH!?!? That TE can MOVE!" Then I realized it was the beast himself.
Swamptick said:
parrotdr said:
We also like how Vanilla Ice (Hester's nickname given him by a Florida player after a tackle) ran down the Bama defender after that long interception return. Surprised the crap out of me!

Me to. That Hester is a beast. I feel like he will have a real career in the NFL.

No doubt he's a great college player and would probably run through a wall if asked. But I'm not sure how Hester would fit in on an NFL roster. He's kinda small for a fullback and I don't think he has the speed to be an NFL tailback. I kinda hope he gets a shot at making a roster. He's a heck of a player.
Well, I visited TigerDroppings and from what I read it looked like the majority of the fans had lost their hatred for Saban and some were actually stirring the rumor mill of Miles--->Michigan and Saban---->LSU.

It's pretty ridiculous what gets posted on TigerDroppings. Most of their members seem to be certifiably insane.
parrotdr said:
Actually, most of the "sane fans" are just happy to come out of Tuscaloosa with a win. And while I know Bama has their own issues with the refs, we are unhappy about the 14 penalties for 143 yards and the 3 Int's Flynn threw in the first half.

Of course, I also realize that the penalties were mostly undisciplined LSU players...

We also like how Vanilla Ice (Hester's nickname given him by a Florida player after a tackle) ran down the Bama defender after that long interception return. Surprised the crap out of me!

I agree Parrot. The penalties were rough on LSU. I knew there would be a lot of complaining about referees after the game, but from what I saw on replays, the calls were good calls. I don't like seeing that many penalties from one side, all is does is allow for excuses to be made. If I recall, Miles even said he was going to run his players into the ground due to the penalties. So it seems he doesn't feel the referees were being unfair.

And Hester, man...he can run. One of the more glaring things I noticed was a lack of him getting the ball early. He ran a couple times early getting 5+ yards a run and then just seemed to disappear. He is going to be a sleeper in the NFL if anyone picks him up.
Try Tigerforums. A lot of Bama fans still there. Good debate. Older posters. Guys that have been around a while keep things in perspective a little more. The young bucks, well, what can you say.
hester is just a flat out good football player thats it. i really see him being a fantastic special teams ace for somebody. just not sure if he will be a regular at running back or fullback
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