| FTBL West Virginia vs. Colorado


Jack of all trades!!
Anyone checkout the game last night? Bill Stewart at W. Virginia has no clue about clock management. He must have called Les Miles for pointers. The man had the ball at midfield with 2 timeouts in a tie game with 34 seconds left and all they could muster was a "hail mary" with 4 seconds left. Looks like West Virginia may be looking for another coach soon.
Not to mention they looked pretty flat all game. Without No-el Devine things would have been ugly. On that 4th down deep in Colorado territory (3rd Q) they had no big guy to gut out a 1/2 yard??? ;scr

I was afraid this might happen to Stewart. Maybe he can get it turned around, but it's not looking that way now. A win vs. Auburn would erase some of thier pain though. :)
Colorado played a good game but they got lucky as well. WVU's use of the timeouts right before half time puzzled me, although I thin kI see what he was trying to do. Still a littel unconventional though.

There was no reason for the end regulation snafu though. I dont agree with the talking heads that kept saying Pat WHite should have called the time out, thats the coaches job, especially in a situation liek that.
If he had not been so stupid in the 3rd quarter, he would have been running the clock out at the end of the game. Passed on field goal with 4th and 1 at Colorado 18. STUPID! STUPID! STUPID!
The only thing about that Chris4x4 is White being a senior and having had all of the playing experience he could have called the time out and then suffered the consequences. Chances are there would have been none. He's been in those type of pressure situations before. I almost forgot the 4th and 1 play in the third. I think Stewart needs to call on Homer Smith to help him polish up his clock management skills. That man is a true master.
The WVU boards were calling for Stewart's head on a plate during and after the game. Strange, but he was their Savior just a few short months ago.... ROFLMAO !!!!

sorry, but I have no sympathy nor love for those hillbillies after the way they acted w/ the RR move.. and then had the gall to say they could easily lure CNS to Morgantown after RR finally did split.
uagrad93 said:
The only thing about that Chris4x4 is White being a senior and having had all of the playing experience he could have called the time out .

Thats pretty much what they were saying during the game. And I agree with it. My problem is they seemed to be puttin the blame more on White for not calling TO than on the coach.
I said it before when they hired him, Stewart may be a super-terrific guy, total bff material and even a better co-coordinator, but head coach material he is not. A head coach needs intensity, grit and fire, not lollipops, rainbows and sunshine dreams. WVU selected their coach with their hearts and not their heads. We did the same with Dubose and later Shula, it didn't turn out any better.
I thought it was bad clock management also but in all fairnes... What if Pat White would have called the timeout with 15 or so seconds left and they didn't get the first down? That would have given Colorado a shot for one quick pass and a field goal or at least a hailmary.
The real clock management issue was them ambling up to the line of scrimmage in slow motion with a minute left and two time outs, ball at midfield. They ran a running play and ambled back up to the line of scrimmage without using a TO. It was as if no one in the huddle or on the sideline realized that regulation was almost over and they needed to be thinking about getting in FG range.
Millie said:
I said it before when they hired him, Stewart may be a super-terrific guy, total bff material and even a better co-coordinator, but head coach material he is not. A head coach needs intensity, grit and fire, not lollipops, rainbows and sunshine dreams. WVU selected their coach with their hearts and not their heads. We did the same with Dubose and later Shula, it didn't turn out any better.

Well put. You should post more.


The real clock management issue was them ambling up to the line of scrimmage in slow motion with a minute left and two time outs, ball at midfield. They ran a running play and ambled back up to the line of scrimmage without using a TO. It was as if no one in the huddle or on the sideline realized that regulation was almost over and they needed to be thinking about getting in FG range.

I agree but you have to put yourself in the coach's shoes. Sometimes in hurry up mode, mistakes can happen. They wanted to give themselves a chance, but at the same time they didn't want to screw up and give Colorado the ball back. It was pretty obvious, however, that they were not prepared for that type of situation because of all the confusion. That game was lost during the previous weeks' practices.
Good point Red. You are suppose to practice those situations all the time. You can look at those teams that look good in 2 minute on Saturdays and know that they work on it all the time. Go watch your local high schools on Friday night and see just how much time they put into the 2 minute drill. Most high schools are atrocious just like West Virginia when it comes to the drill. To be good you've got to put in the time.
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