| FTBL We need LSU and Penn State to lose.


Verified Member
LSU needs to lose to somebody other than us, because if we were to go down there and lose to them, they'll have the tie breaker over us. That would really suck because that means we would be 11-1 and cant get in the SECCG or NC game. Providing we win all other games.

On the other hand Penn State needs to lose cause i have a funny feeling no matter how good we play they'll jump us in the polls simply because of the Joe Pa going out on top deal.

But I dont know if jawja can whoop LSU and i dont think Ohio State can beat Penn State. If Penn State wins this Saturday against Ohio State then nobody else can stop them imo. But anyway i'll be puling for jawja to put on whoopin on LSU this weekend.
Alabama is second across the board, behind Texas in the polls and the computers. The Crimson Tide has a BCS average of .949, which bodes well for Alabama. The Tide will be tough to catch from behind if it can stay unbeaten.

That's bad news for third-place Penn State. With an .867 average, the unbeaten Nittany Lions will have to keep winning and hope Texas or Alabama slips.

In fact, fourth-place Oklahoma (.832) might be able to catch Penn State, even if coach Joe Paterno's team wins out.
RollTideRandy said:
BigAl said:
if we were to go down there and lose to them

Well, we'll just have to make sure that doesn't happen.

;flame ;j;l;

Why are we thinking about this during UT week?

LOL, Big Al can be scouting LSU for us and preparing us for Baton Rouge while the rest of us are getting ready for the big pumpkin roast coming up this weekend in TN. :twisted:
BigAl said:
LSU needs to lose to somebody other than us, because if we were to go down there and lose to them, they'll have the tie breaker over us. That would really suck because that means we would be 11-1 and cant get in the SECCG or NC game. Providing we win all other games.

On the other hand Penn State needs to lose cause i have a funny feeling no matter how good we play they'll jump us in the polls simply because of the Joe Pa going out on top deal.

But I dont know if jawja can whoop LSU and i dont think Ohio State can beat Penn State. If Penn State wins this Saturday against Ohio State then nobody else can stop them imo. But anyway i'll be puling for jawja to put on whoopin on LSU this weekend.

I hear what you are saying but don't think all that matters. We win out and we are in the big game thanks to Oregon State taking it to USC. Without that one, it would be a three team chase to the MNC game between us, Texas and PSU. Still we have to take care of business and Tennessee, Arkansas State, LSU, Miss State, Auburn and probably Florida have a say in that. Still it is fun to think about it.
RussB said:
can we not have a discussion without being all like "zomg we havz to focus on ze upcoming game!!!111!"

All your base are belong to us?

I'm with Reger, let's concentrate on UT week guys. After all, if we don't care of business at hand...we won't have to worry about other teams losing. I understand it's a message board and as fans it's ok for us to look ahead, but the most important thing is to win now...not later.
reger60 said:
Don't we play Tennessee this weekend?

Yes we do REG, but it's so much more important worrying about LSU, Penn St, and BFE :lol:

Lastly none of this is important unless we beat those VOLS!

Can I get an AMEN!
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