| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Walking Dead season 5!




Can't say I didn't warn ya ;)

SO! Last night was the much-anticipated premiere.

As expected, Terminus is cannibal-land .. But (SHOCK) it used to be a real, actual sanctuary until some evil rapist jerks came in and tore it up .. And (SHOCK) BBQ chef Mary is Gareth's mother .. Evil rapists were defeated by initial sanctuary leaders, sanctuary leaders become the very evil rapist jerks they defeated (minus rape, plus eating human flesh) .. "You are either the butcher or the cattle" .. Brutal. I liked the then/now transitions.

CAROL IS SO HARDCORE. She went from the battered, abused wife of Ed (remember Ed?) to a tie with Daryl and Michone for most badass character on the entire show. Also, how epic was that reunion with Daryl?? I am not a "shipper" of romances but that was really touching. I also enjoyed how she took his bow back from the Terminus Lost and Found.

Can we talk about how the guy from last season, Sam, who Rick and Carol met (he had a girlfriend/wife at the time), was the first guy to get killed at the trough? I didn't catch it at first but my boyfriend did, and it was a neat little cameo. Poor Sam.

Yay Rick, Judith, and Carl reunion!

Tyreese is awesome too. I knew evil dirtbag Terminus guy was gonna mess with his mind .. but Tyreese went out into the zombie abyss, killed a bunch with NO weapons, then football tackled that dude's ass to save Judith. CLUTCH.

Interesting re: weaponized disease fighting, via Abraham and co. Fight fire with fire. Whatever works!

ALSO ALSO can we talk about Morgan's return?!??! Morgan is BACK! Last time we saw him, he was crazy after losing his son. Now he's in riot gear, and thank goodness he saw Rick's message on the old Terminus sign. I hope they meet up again, I always hoped to see a reunion (well, a non-crazy one).

All in all a solid episode and start to a new season. I honestly thought this would be the "Terminus" season (after the farm, prison, etc.) but it was a pleasant surprise to see it kinda shot down so fast.

Looking forward to next week! :hurray::hyper:
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I think it was two seasons ago...Rick and Carol are out looking for supplies and they run into the couple where the girl dies and the guy ends up disappearing...the watch Rick wears was looped into that story line as well...remember that?

The first guy getting his neck sliced at the trough was that guy...took me a minute to figure it out.

He's also the Penguin in Gotham.
I think it was two seasons ago...Rick and Carol are out looking for supplies and they run into the couple where the girl dies and the guy ends up disappearing...the watch Rick wears was looped into that story line as well...remember that?

The first guy getting his neck sliced at the trough was that guy...took me a minute to figure it out.

He's also the Penguin in Gotham.

SPOILERS because I can't figure out how to do the "spoiler" thing ..


Yup, that's Sam, who I mentioned above.

Also, did you notice that the man on the cutting board with the dumb look on his face was the same guy Rick used as a human shield in the finale? It's Gareth's (head Terminus fellow) brother. Guess they decided to 'waste not, want not' ..
SPOILERS because I can't figure out how to do the "spoiler" thing ..


Yup, that's Sam, who I mentioned above.

Also, did you notice that the man on the cutting board with the dumb look on his face was the same guy Rick used as a human shield in the finale? It's Gareth's (head Terminus fellow) brother. Guess they decided to 'waste not, want not' ..

I watched Talking Dead at work last night and saw that mentioned...didn't recognize him during the show.

RE: Spoiler tags:

So I thought that Bob got bit in the water .. and that is why he left the party, crying. I thought he was about to kill himself. So I was super surprised when the Termites got him .. and ewww about the leg! Whole episode was building towards him being in trouble later, though.

BUT BUT BUT .. What happens if he DID get bit, and now the Termites are eating his flesh? We know now that everyone turns when they die (Shane) or are bit (Sophia), but what happens if they eat infected flesh? Could the Termites be in for a rude awakening if/when they find out Bob was bit?

It is also interesting that the guy Tyreese dealt with last week in the cabin was at the campfire with Gareth. Guess Tyreese "wouldn't" after all. But why did he tell Carol he killed him if he didn't?

Guess we will find out what became of Beth since the cross car went by .. Good thing Carol fixed the spare car battery when she did! And that Daryl caught her trying to peace out.

My guess re: the church .. Gabriel is aiding another group in return for protection and food. Perhaps his "sins" are human trafficking to the cannibals or to another group (the Claimed people?) for safety/food. I think it's super sketch he was out in the woods on top of a rock needing help .. I wonder if he was trapping them, or if someone else was using him as a trap, to gather people.

Also, last night I noticed some Bible verse numbers on the wall in the church so I snapped a photo and looked up what they were:

Romans 6:4
We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.

Ezekiel 37:7
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone.

Matthew 27:52
and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.

Revelation 9:6
During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.

Luke 24:5
In their fright the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, "Why do you look for the living among the dead?
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After seeing the turn in Beth's character I wonder if she spent the first few weeks of production in some sort of "combat-type" training.

On another note, I normally DVR both the show and "Talking Dead." This week's episode of the later with John Barrowman as one of the guest has almost turned me off on recording the show review. I hate politics showing up on sports discussions...but, not as much as I did when he took the conversation there Sunday night.

Is Daryl coming out of the woods with Noah?
The mid season finale definitely caught me off guard, I didn't see that ending coming at all. Not sure how that didn't escalate further than what it did...but then again, maybe it did as they never showed the other group at the end.
I feel like I am the only person who saw the shocker in the mid-season finale coming since about a year ago lol. I think "LOST" has made it so that I see patterns in other TV shows pretty clearly ..

Either way, sad stuff. Felt bad for Daryl and Maggie.

I also liked how they tried to humanize Dawn. If there's one thing in life I am certain of, it's that nobody is 100% good or 100% bad, that everyone has a bit of both in them. It's easy to look at a character allowing rape, abuse, and slavery to occur and not be able to see the human side of her. But good character development shows us that people are multi-layered.
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