| MBB/WBB UPDATE 9/29: New Patch article: Pre-Trial Immunity Hearing For Darius Miles Started Today

This is your opinion after the fact or did you read the text from Miles to Miller?
What I said was that Miles may have worded the text in a way as to make Miller think he was in trouble.
Miles did tell Davis that one was in the hole. If you were reading from the al.com article, I can see where that could’ve been easily confused. That was a click bait job to make UA, Miller, and everyone else look guilty as Hell.
That was my opinion way before today's article.
Just for clarification, the gun belonged to Miles, but Miller did bring it to him at hie request. Very bad decision on Miller's part, and something he will have to live with, but nothing illegal in how it went down. Would imagine the victim's family will go after him in civil court though since he's about to be worth $$$$$$$$.
If he knew what the gun was going to be used for then it is illegal
True, but I've seen this type of thing plenty of times. Sounds like an accomplice to me.

I’m guessing there is something more in the texts though that made TPD feel comfortable enough with not charging Miller with anything though. Thinking al.com gleaned the proceedings just for the “juicy tidbits”.
Sure do. Doesn't mean I'm wrong, though. Just like them not wanting to charge a star player doesn't mean he's innocent, either. Just how the world works sometimes.
TPD doesn’t necessarily have the reputation of “protecting” star athletes though. Seen several times where TPD went “looking” for athletes.
@SnakeDoc when I questioned experience, it wasn’t meant as a slight toward you but more of a professional background thing, ie. do you work or did you work in law enforcement?
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