Yesterday, 09:18 PM #29
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Juneau, Alaska
Posts: 83
Originally Posted by TexasMack
University of Texas - No one will be in our way to Miami.
Hmmm, I don't see USC rank #1.
Go Horns!
Could you please come at us with a little bit of originality. Do you not realize that every week we have morons like you that pop in here pumping your chest about a new ranking. I guess when you suck one year and you have a little success the next, you get a little air between your ears.
Moron, keep in mind that 3 weeks in a row now we have had douche bags like you that have come in here when their team was ranked #1. They showed the hair on their chest, pulled their pants down and muttered a few less than impressive words. Then, the USC KARMA BITCH SLAP wrecked havoc on them and they went down in defeat the following week.
We all hear alot about bad fans or bad behavior we never hear about ugly fans out of LA.A.! Well here is a taste of U.S.C. fans going at it with TEXAS FANS.
here is the reason I posted this stuff on an Alabama board....
Lastly, you pine flavored douche bag. USC is the standard for all of college football. We regularly finish among the top teams in the country and we will be there again this year. For these reasons, we are use to getting the trolls from other schools who come over to our site to attempt to validate themselves. Now, run along because it's probably prime COW TIPPIN time and you're missing out on all the fun and this time, leave your sister out of it.
kind of got me mad