Two Explosions at Boston Marathon Finish Line

Just posted this to my Facebook but thought it would be useful here too ..

If you are like me, and know family + friends in the Boston Marathon/Boston area, you can check their whereabouts here ( and here ( Hope all is well with everyone.

DC is under high alert right now. I work by the White House (where the Tide are visiting) and it is under lockdown, apparently. Cops and Secret Service are all over. I heard NYC was the same, security-wise. Stay safe, everyone.

EDIT: Check this too -

EDIT 2: The Boston Marathon's Final Mile Was Dedicated to Newtown Victims; Newtown families "were reportedly seated in the VIP section" near the finish line.

So sad .. And apparently there are several more bombs laying around Boston. WTF
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Latest confirmed totals: 12 dead, 123 injured (from reporting hospitals).

EDIT: 3 dead, not 12. The reports I saw of 12 were unconfirmed, but the injured is up to 170 according to ABC.
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2 things...

-I'm amazed this stuff doesn't happen more often (same with plane crashes). The Feds do a really, really good job overall of preventing this stuff...

-When stuff like this does happen, news coverage is unbearable. Reporters and folks in the media are for the most part, idiots.
I feel bad for the families impacted by this.

There are some reports coming out now that bomb sniffing dogs were at the start/finish lines prior to explosion. I doubt this will get much press.

What I'm gonna keep an eye out for going forward, how will this impact future sporting events - did this just open the door for more government oversight -

I am leaning towards 2 and 4. For 1, it's just too small. This seems like a small statement sort of deal. The militarist groups (who use Islam as an excuse for their evil goals) are really lacking in resources and leadership at the moment, and usually like to go for mass causalities. This just doesn't seem like their style. Not to mention, they always seem to take credit for their attacks right away. As for 3, get real. It makes no financial or political sense for a government to do this. These people probably believe 9/11 was a government plot too. This isn't "V for Vendetta". Sheesh. It sounds like a Timothy McVeigh sort of deal ..

But time will tell. I just hope whoever is responsible, be they domestic terrorists or foreign terrorists, faces justice for what they did.

Planomateo, I feel like it won't impact events like football or baseball too much. Those are events that take place in confined stadiums/arenas, whereas this was out in the open city. The bombs were placed by buildings on the streets. I feel like whereas you can definitely search a bag of someone going into an arena, you can't do much for a marathon-type deal besides scour the area beforehand and during.
2 things...

-I'm amazed this stuff doesn't happen more often (same with plane crashes). The Feds do a really, really good job overall of preventing this stuff...

-When stuff like this does happen, news coverage is unbearable. Reporters and folks in the media are for the most part, idiots.

Completely agree. 99.99% of the time, we are completely safe from this stuff and foil plans before they come to fruition. So kudos to our security agencies for keeping us safe! I live across the street from Homeland Security, and that place is always open .. always has lights on, always has helicopters coming and going. Re: the media, yeah, a lot of them inadvertently showed some pretty gruesome stuff yesterday .. I was watching one (I forget which outlet, they're all the same to me haha) and there was a long shot of someone screaming with their leg blown off, and the news guy talking just stopped and the camera cut to an overhead shot after like 10 seconds, and the guy talking was like, "Umm umm umm" .. So awkward. Like I know they have to report and all, but it's just overwhelming ..
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