I'll admit that Brett Favre had a fantastic career and can be listed with the all-time best, but I'm sorry, that drama was so over the top, I had to laugh out loud. Stone up there, Brett. Football is going to survive without you and you'll figure out a way to survive without football.
Oh, and special thanks to ESPN for showing the entire thing over and over again.
Jeez. :roll:
I'll admit that Brett Favre had a fantastic career and can be listed with the all-time best, but I'm sorry, that drama was so over the top, I had to laugh out loud. Stone up there, Brett. Football is going to survive without you and you'll figure out a way to survive without football.
Oh, and special thanks to ESPN for showing the entire thing over and over again.
Jeez. :roll:
I'll admit that Brett Favre had a fantastic career and can be listed with the all-time best, but I'm sorry, that drama was so over the top, I had to laugh out loud. Stone up there, Brett. Football is going to survive without you and you'll figure out a way to survive without football.
Oh, and special thanks to ESPN for showing the entire thing over and over again.
Jeez. :roll:
I'll admit that Brett Favre had a fantastic career and can be listed with the all-time best, but I'm sorry, that drama was so over the top, I had to laugh out loud. Stone up there, Brett. Football is going to survive without you and you'll figure out a way to survive without football.
Oh, and special thanks to ESPN for showing the entire thing over and over again.
Jeez. :roll:
Rulon Gardner's farewell is one of the coolest things IMO. I was quite tempted to take off my wrestling shoes and leave them in the middle of the mat at my last wrestling match as a Senior, but decided it wouldn't fare very well at a tournament that was trying to keep moving.
I'll admit that Brett Favre had a fantastic career and can be listed with the all-time best, but I'm sorry, that drama was so over the top, I had to laugh out loud. Stone up there, Brett. Football is going to survive without you and you'll figure out a way to survive without football.
Oh, and special thanks to ESPN for showing the entire thing over and over again.
Jeez. :roll:
What he's done for the game of football speaks for itself.
This is one time where I thought the overplaying of something was very well deserved. All this Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, etc. horse crap is run into the ground, and then we get something positive played quite a bit and people complain? Come on.
A gentleman of the game, and one of the last guys who wore his heart on his sleeve and truly played because he loved the game. One of the league's most beloved players - OF COURSE they are going to play his retirement speech quite a bit. I'm starting to think a lot of people just bash ESPN to say that they are bashing ESPN because it's the in thing to do.
Then again, I'm biased...
PS - Football might survive without Bret Favre, but I'm not so sure about without Brett Favre.
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