Toby Keight Restaurant Gun Drama


I didn't know which section to put this in, just thought it was hilarious:

Country music star Toby Keith’s new restaurant in Woodbridge, Va., has outraged some Virginia gun-rights advocates by posting a “NO GUNS PERMITTED” sign on the front door, according to FOX 5 TV station.

The gun friendly state permits citizens to openly carry firearms into restaurants and bars, but state laws offer no legal guidance on drinking while openly carrying a gun. Drinking while carrying a concealed weapon is prohibited.
Additionally, Virginia state law allows bar and restaurant owners to ban weapons from the premises, as long as they prominently display a gun-free sign in the establishment. However, “No Firearm” signs in Virginia do not carry the force of law unless the property is specifically mentioned in state law as off limits to individuals with a permit or license to carry.
According to FOX, the no-guns policy at the new Virginia location drew the ire of local gun advocates who announced their dissatisfaction with Keith and his venture on the restaurant's Facebook page.
One user wrote, “That sign on the door means that I will never try your restaurant … It is a cultural thing among we Americans … It is the fact that you seek to restrict a Constitutional Right that bothers the public. This is what will cost you.”
Another user commented, “I am now ashamed to say I was ever a fan of yours [T]oby. You truly are a hypocrite.”
But some customers interviewed by FOX outside the bar did not seem to mind the policy.
"Well, I think it's a great idea," customer Jayne Marconi told FOX. "Anywhere there's an establishment that serves alcohol, I'm going to tell you right now, alcohol can make you do funny things. So that [pointing to the "no guns" sign] absolutely makes me feel more comfortable."
Keith's franchise, which is owned by Arizona-based Capri Restaurant Group Enterprises LLC, has expanded to more than a dozen cities nationwide since opening in Oklahoma City in 2005.







:rofl: Only in Virginia could someone not wanting drunk hillbillies to have firearms in their restaurant be compared to banning black people from the restaurant :rofl: And if you need to bring your revolver to eat a pulled pork sandwich you might have some other issues you need to check in on...
I clicked on your link to the fb page. Half of it is business promo, and the other half is a compilation of some po'd gun people. This is very similar to the duck guy controversy, just on a much smaller scale.
Good ole Phil is supporting marrying girls early now too. Hell, my wife and I were married young 21 and 19, that was 18 years ago. No way in hell I'd support my daughter getting married at 15 as Phil suggests.

Wondering how many concussions he had...

The gun thing is kinda silly.
There is a post in that thread that is a common problem with Americans now. Toby Keith's establishment IS private property, and he can choose to serve whomever he likes, in whatever fashion he likes to serve them. If he doesn't want you to have a gun, then you either won't have a gun or you won't be entering his establishment.

Too many Americans believe just because they have the privilege to enter a premises, that must make it public. It drives me insane.
There is a post in that thread that is a common problem with Americans now. Toby Keith's establishment IS private property, and he can choose to serve whomever he likes, in whatever fashion he likes to serve them. If he doesn't want you to have a gun, then you either won't have a gun or you won't be entering his establishment.

Too many Americans believe just because they have the privilege to enter a premises, that must make it public. It drives me insane.

This. Even Keith is smart enough to know (or to be told) you can't run an establishment based on the lyrics of one of his songs.
I've heard some people here in Texas are outraged by this. Idiots apparently forgot you can't bring a gun into an establishment that makes 51% of their income from alcohol sales...aka, the blue sign. The state of Texas is now going to hit alcohol sales @ 8.25%. Would be interesting to see if any fall under the 51% after the tax on drinks.

As I told some folks who were going on an on about it here, his place, his rules. Pretty simple.
People are insane it seems now a days, most have no clue what is actually in the constitution. They just use it as a prop when something happens they dont like. If you dont like that they wont allow guns in their restaurant, dont go its that simple. Just like the people that were mad that A&E suspended the Duck Dynasty guy, you dont like that? Dont watch the damn network. They have the right to kick his ass off their network if he says something they deem offensive just like he had the right to say it. Same goes here, people just want it their way regardless of anyone else. I'll never understand anyone that feels the need to be strapped with a pistol to go get a pulled pork sandwich anyway. If thats the case you probably have issues.
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