Let me rephrase religious organizations, well known Pastors, and churches (most notably SBC and even though it’s against the law) they don‘t have to get fed money as they’re not taxed at all, so that’s getting fed money, hence how some of these pastors have mansions, sports cars, jets, etc. Here’s a deal for you- tax churches and religious organizations and we can remove fed money from Planned Parenthood….deal?
Amazingly I haven’t found one thing to back up your claim that Hillary was going to quadruple PP‘s money.
I’d suggest not reading right wing info when it comes to PP because they’re not a “abortion mill” by any damn stretch, less than 3% of their healthcare performed by them was abortions, so you have a far far different definition of mill than everybody else.
Satan doesn’t have his hand in anything, there would have to be a satan and as I don’t believe in that, I don’t believe he has his hand in anything. But, a long those lines god would have his hand in everything too you know since he’s “all knowing”