| FTBL Tide's Surge Result of Mental Toughness

^^^That's part of the underlying fabric in that article. The point that the team focused and dwelled so much on "not losing" last year that it indeed was part of the equation that made us...well...lose. That being said, there is clearly a different chemistry with this years team. We don't have debbie-downers within and the team seems to have ditched that old mindset of "until [insert caption here]".

FWIW, I really liked the last tidbit:

"Regardless of what the results are, the season starts now."

From everything I have heard/read the message is pushed to the players in a positive manner. They are not saying "Don't lose this game", but "Execute this play like a champion"..."Be a champion right now."

Or to put it another way, for this team that has not won its championship, they can't preach don't lose what you don't yet have.
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