| CURRENT EVENTS The Port Strike. This video made me laugh, until it didn't.

They all need to be in the unemployment lines… and she needs a huge bar of my Amish soap rammed down her throat..
IF you were to put yourself in HER shoes, I strongly suspect the tone of the comment wouldn't be on this level.

While this strike is still in its infancy, the effect is already being felt in the food service industry.
IF you were to put yourself in HER shoes, I strongly suspect the tone of the comment wouldn't be on this level.

While this strike is still in its infancy, the effect is already being felt in the food service industry.
It’s hard to have sympathy when the strike leader comes out and says “they know what the number is”… a 69% pay increase!… They were offered 50~59%… It’s affecting the GNP by 5 billion dollars daily and severely disrupting supply chains and prices…IMO it should be treason..
It’s hard to have sympathy when the strike leader comes out and says “they know what the number is”… a 69% pay increase!… They were offered 50~59%… It’s affecting the GNP by 5 billion dollars daily and severely disrupting supply chains and prices…IMO it should be treason..
I saw a video of him about what he owns. Owns a 76-foot yacht, the Obsession, and has been seen riding in a Bentley. But now I can't find it.
They all need to be in the unemployment lines… and she needs a huge bar of my Amish soap rammed down her throat..

While I do agree 100% the “higher ups” in the union have taken advantage of the “craft” employees for many years now. The actual longshoremen are not at fault here. The unions (cwa included) have just been scraping there money off the top. Now things have gotten to a point where these guys are literally losing their jobs. This after they had a guarantee this wouldn’t happen. So it’s not the longshoremen themselves, it’s years of lying and manipulation by the people running these unions. It’s coming home to roost. Record #’s of people have left these unions as well.
So the union reps are scumbags and the company “men” making these decisions are scumbags. The longshoremen are not the problem here they’re caught in the middle. If you were lied to, you’d be up in arms too….
Whether they want to get it or not, automation has been a freight train since the 80's. Right now, at this time, there's is practically nothing in mass production that runs without automation. Even with automation, someone has to be able to run the machines. I don't know their situation, but I do know what I've been around and the folks I've dealt with didn't want automation, not because of the fear of being replaced, but more so, they were old school, set in their ways and had a fear of something new. These folks have leverage and their union leaders know it. Economy sux, inflation is high and they have the power to make it worse until they get what they want.
While I do agree 100% the “higher ups” in the union have taken advantage of the “craft” employees for many years now. The actual longshoremen are not at fault here. The unions (cwa included) have just been scraping there money off the top. Now things have gotten to a point where these guys are literally losing their jobs. This after they had a guarantee this wouldn’t happen. So it’s not the longshoremen themselves, it’s years of lying and manipulation by the people running these unions. It’s coming home to roost. Record #’s of people have left these unions as well.
So the union reps are scumbags and the company “men” making these decisions are scumbags. The longshoremen are not the problem here they’re caught in the middle. If you were lied to, you’d be up in arms too….
All the plans of the WEF…and we are seeing it coming to fruition… the strike is their October surprise for us..You notice they said the companies that lied were “foreign”..
Having been management in a UAW plant & involved in negotiations, fighting complaints and never losing a single HR battle. I can say that even the local reps will sell out the members for a benefit or a raise for their group. The union bosses are nothing more than robber barons & mob bosses.
Having been management in a UAW plant & involved in negotiations, fighting complaints and never losing a single HR battle. I can say that even the local reps will sell out the members for a benefit or a raise for their group. The union bosses are nothing more than robber barons & mob bosses.
I've been on both sides and in every account, the only thing I've seen unions do was prevent sorry, lazy, unqualified people from being fired and most of the time, these are the same people that end up becoming the union officials. IMO, they are no different than the other side, they just go about getting their money differently, from the workers' paychecks, so, yeah, they talk about being for the workers because when the workers make more you can bet your ass their union dues are going to go up as well. I never saw a time where the dues didn't go up after we got a raise.
I've been on both sides and in every account, the only thing I've seen unions do was prevent sorry, lazy, unqualified people from being fired and most of the time, these are the same people that end up becoming the union officials. IMO, they are no different than the other side, they just go about getting their money differently, from the workers' paychecks, so, yeah, they talk about being for the workers because when the workers make more you can bet your ass their union dues are going to go up as well. I never saw a time where the dues didn't go up after we got a raise.
In the UAW it was 2 hrs wages monthly or bi-weekly. I commented how socialistic and had a grievance dropped on me.
I was in the IBEW 20 years and the USW for 7. Both were taken out per paycheck, IBEW was bi-weekly, USW was weekly.
I had maintenance guys in the IBEW at Johnson Controls. My headaches were floor grunts that had obtained craftsman status in tooling & maintenance solely because of inept prior managers let the union brow beat them into it because of difficulty filling the spots.
I had maintenance guys in the IBEW at Johnson Controls. My headaches were floor grunts that had obtained craftsman status in tooling & maintenance solely because of inept prior managers let the union brow beat them into it because of difficulty filling the spots.
I saw the USW get a plant closed down due to employees abusing FMLA. Local president filled their heads with the idea the plant would never close because it made to much money for the company. That company sold it to another company, and he still preached they would never shut it down and the employees kept on abusing the rules and FMLA. 1 year later plant closed, and they were all unemployed. Local president retired with a nice little nest egg.
I saw the USW get a plant closed down due to employees abusing FMLA. Local president filled their heads with the idea the plant would never close because it made to much money for the company. That company sold it to another company, and he still preached they would never shut it down and the employees kept on abusing the rules and FMLA. 1 year later plant closed, and they were all unemployed. Local president retired with a nice little nest egg.
They had that same problem until I pulled it from google that in Alabama you can be made to get certified monthly for ongoing chronic conditions.
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