Thanks for all the input folks. I do wish someone on here KNEW definitively if a school could put a crew or certain officials on some kind of banned list where they didn't have to have games officiated by that crew. Some of you, even though you claim no harm by particular officials, do remember Wagers and his crew quite well over the last few years. The reason I asked for information about specific games where he has had a profound impact is because I do not want to just believe in some conspiracy theory without some facts. Accepted evidence usually begins with a theory and a search.
If you think that millions upon millions of dollars is changing hands in college football and there is no corruption whatsoever, I want to live in your naive world. All said, sometimes the devil loses just like in "The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant".
If you think that millions upon millions of dollars is changing hands in college football and there is no corruption whatsoever, I want to live in your naive world. All said, sometimes the devil loses just like in "The Year the Yankees Lost the Pennant".