| PRO The AAF is being discontinued

San Diego Fleet has the coolest logo (I'm a bit biased) and the Arizona Hotshots would be my second favorite.


Hard for me to separate the original founders from this shit show. They invited the wrong guy to the party and apparently gave him way too much power.

If I'm a ex-AAF player, I'm not sure I would come back if they are able to resolve their differences.
AAF is done. The only way they could even halfway salvage this would be to pay the full year salaries for at least the players and cover rehab/medical for the injured. That kind of thing makes the players realize you are going to try to do right by them as much as you can. Sadly I find this to be an impossibility.
His intent is easy understandable; the jokes about players losing their jobs has its place but he feels now isn't the time.

But good lord almighty, what a HORRIBLE analogy.

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