Thanksgiving dinner


Smart Pill Addict
A sweet young thing was invited to Thanksgiving dinner at her boyfriend's home. His family was old southern money, and the table was full of all the delicious but very rich traditional Thanksgiving dishes. After the meal the family was sitting around in the living room talking, when unfortunately for her, the brocoli casserole started disagreeing with her. Try as she might, she couldn't contain it, and a barely audible sound was heard. The host looked around and said "Skipper" the name of the faimily dog, who was lying on the floor near her. "Good," she thought. "he thinks the dog did it." In a few minutes she erupted again, louder this time. The host said "Skipper" in a louder tone of voice. "At least he's still blaming the dog" she thought. Finally a much louder sound startled everyone in the room and the host said "Skipper, you'd better move before she s**ts on you."
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