| FTBL Tennessee Coach Update

Nate said:
Dodd is full of it. The only splashing going on is everyone getting out of the pool because Dodd pee'd in it.

Have to admit, this is a pretty good line.

In response to Terry.

I do understand that you have to spend the time to learn who to trust in the media and who to discard. But having to 'spend that time' is what I was referring to. It should not be necessary to have to invest a great deal of time to see which journalist are respectable and which are not. Spending time having to vet the source takes away from the time spent actually learning and applying the information reported.

It should be the job of the Publishers and Editors to vet their reporters and the information they provide. There is no reason, in today's explosion of information opportunities, that I have to take time to see if CBS, or ABC, or NBC, or The New York Times, or The Wall Street Journal, or Fox News, or CNN is factually accurate. Such basics should be a given.

The old adage "it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and prove it" should apply. Dodd just opened his mouth and proved his foolishness, all in the name of having to fill space or keep his name in front of the public. And this is just an example of what is happening to a larger degree in the 'serious' media.

I am beginning to think Joe Namath had it right, when some reporter mocking his UA academic studies asked if Namath majored in 'underwater basket weaving,' by responding "No, man, I majored in Journalism. It was easier." If MOST of the reporting I see today is from journalism majors, the studies cannot be too challenging.
alagator said:
Nate said:
Dodd is full of it. The only splashing going on is everyone getting out of the pool because Dodd pee'd in it.

Have to admit, this is a pretty good line.

In response to Terry.

I do understand that you have to spend the time to learn who to trust in the media and who to discard. But having to 'spend that time' is what I was referring to. It should not be necessary to have to invest a great deal of time to see which journalist are respectable and which are not. Spending time having to vet the source takes away from the time spent actually learning and applying the information reported.

It should be the job of the Publishers and Editors to vet their reporters and the information they provide. There is no reason, in today's explosion of information opportunities, that I have to take time to see if CBS, or ABC, or NBC, or The New York Times, or The Wall Street Journal, or Fox News, or CNN is factually accurate. Such basics should be a given.

The old adage "it is better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you are a fool than to open your mouth and prove it" should apply. Dodd just opened his mouth and proved his foolishness, all in the name of having to fill space or keep his name in front of the public. And this is just an example of what is happening to a larger degree in the 'serious' media.

I am beginning to think Joe Namath had it right, when some reporter mocking his UA academic studies asked if Namath majored in 'underwater basket weaving,' by responding "No, man, I majored in Journalism. It was easier." If MOST of the reporting I see today is from journalism majors, the studies cannot be too challenging.

I agree with you. In fact, I've had this very discussion with Sports Editor of my company's main newspaper and with editors of around half of the other papers owned by the company. I was on a tangent that day and also talked to a half of a dozen or so programming directors for the TV stations my company owns as well.

It was a clear consensus that the problem lies with the editors but started with those guys when they were reporters. I can attest to budget meetings where the interest in how many page views certain writers have rival, if not exceed, the amount of subscriptions a paper has. Far too often it is about what is going to spark interest instead of what's actually the truth of the matter.

In context of what Dodd put out...

If there is one thing I hate about the 'net now-a-day is the use of the word "source." I have plenty of "sources" but it's not the kind of thing that I use period when offering news. My problem, in particular with Dodd's article, is what qualifies as a source.

Damn...going off on a tangent here...


Case in point. Ian's list of possible OC's before McElwain was hired. He said "his sources had indicated to him..." when in fact his "source" on that happened to be names that a writer for one of the subscription Alabama sites had listed. The problem was the original article had no real source for that information. It was all conjecture.

Hell, just last week I saw Gentry Estes use one of his own articles as "proof" what he was writing was indeed fact.

Very rarely do I step out and say, "this is the case." Going back in the time I've written for websites I can think of a few situations where I've said "this is the case" but at that time didn't hesitate to say who it was from. (ask TigerBait3 the discussion on Saban on his LSU forum...that was a doozy)


Bottom line...until I'm proven wrong, I don't believe a damn thing Dodd puts out because he hasn't proven he has any legitimate sources when it comes to the sport he covers.
what ever they do I wish they would go ahead and do it. I spend hours each day checking and reading and i gotta say i would be shocked if it were davis or kiffen.......I have a sneaking suspision Leach may have some interest....although it could just be wishful thinking. I don't really trust hamiltons decisions all that much. He did good with pearl but like someone said he had to play hit or miss a while to get a good one.....i guess we all do that sometimes,huh guys :D
what ever they do I wish they would go ahead and do it. I spend hours each day checking and reading and i gotta say i would be shocked if it were davis or kiffen.......I have a sneaking suspision Leach may have some interest....although it could just be wishful thinking. I don't really trust hamiltons decisions all that much. He did good with pearl but like someone said he had to play hit or miss a while to get a good one.....i guess we all do that sometimes,huh guys :D

The rumors, plane watching, second guessing, interminable delays and public denials are tough to stomach. Welcome to the not so recent past life of a Bama fan.
If Leach enjoys his 40+ points a game he better stay away from the SEC. We would shut down his offense and hurt his QBs. He has never seen the amount of blitzing that would take place on a weekly basis against his offense.
Argo said:
If Leach enjoys his 40+ points a game he better stay away from the SEC. We would shut down his offense and hurt his QBs. He has never seen the amount of blitzing that would take place on a weekly basis against his offense.

As Bama fans, we know all too well how the Head Coach Two-Step is danced. I beleive the SEC is hell-bent on making the head coaching jobs the equivalent of an arms race. With Bama's hire, Florida's hire several years back, Arkansas' hire and Ole Miss' hire, and South Carolina's hire, everyone is just aiming higher and higher.

If UT gets a bigname coach, it will only be on a list of big name coaches.

To continue our conversation from earlier in this thread about the abject garbage being published in the name of respected journalism, and in the theme of this thread, Dennis Dodd has posted the following...

It's getting quiet at Cincinnati. Too quiet.

This is what usually happens when something major is about to pop. Everyone is told to keep their mouths shut. Assistants are making discreet calls trying to find new jobs. Such is the case around the Cincinnati where Tennessee seemingly has settled on coach Brian Kelly as its top candidate to replace to Phil Fulmer.

This is not to say Kelly is definitely the guy but I got a couple of calls today saying his name had risen to the top at Rocky Top.

Kelly would be a great hire. He's got the attitude and ability to walk into the cauldron that is SEC recruiting. He's a quarterback specialist. Cincinnati has had to use something like four quarterbacks this season.

A couple of issues here: Cincinnati's season doesn't end until Dec. 6, so if word is out this early it could get really uncomfortable at Cincinnati which is chasing a Big East title. Can you say interim coach for the bowl game?


Then, in the comments section in response to someone earlier challenging what kind of 'big splash' a Kelly hire would be, Dodd replies with this...
Dude, did I say this was the big splash? I still think Leach and Davis have a chance along with an NFL mystery candidate we don't know about. Stay here for the latest.

So what we have is Dodd reporting a 'story' today, and then when today's reporting does not jibe with his earlier 'story' (which really was something less than a story), he discredits his own latest reporting as probably not true so he can stand on his earlier 'story' of a 'big splash.'

Good gosh how does this idiot draw a paycheck from CBS? Really.

If a direct report of mine presented this series of information to me he would be cleaning out his desk by the end of the day.

Honest journalism is DEAD.
The mystery candidate from the NFL is John Gruden. I've heard from a friend that is a season ticket holder for UT, that they are being told that Gruden has expressed interest in the job.

Not saying it's true, just a rumor floating around.
It's getting quiet at Cincinnati. Too quiet.

This is what usually happens when something major is about to pop. Everyone is told to keep their mouths shut. Assistants are making discreet calls trying to find new jobs. Such is the case around the Cincinnati where Tennessee seemingly has settled on coach Brian Kelly as its top candidate to replace to Phil Fulmer.

This is not to say Kelly is definitely the guy but I got a couple of calls today saying his name had risen to the top at Rocky Top.

Kelly would be a great hire. He's got the attitude and ability to walk into the cauldron that is SEC recruiting. He's a quarterback specialist. Cincinnati has had to use something like four quarterbacks this season.

A couple of issues here: Cincinnati's season doesn't end until Dec. 6, so if word is out this early it could get really uncomfortable at Cincinnati which is chasing a Big East title. Can you say interim coach for the bowl game?

Sportsline Report.
Argo said:
The mystery candidate from the NFL is John Gruden. I've heard from a friend that is a season ticket holder for UT, that they are being told that Gruden has expressed interest in the job.

Not saying it's true, just a rumor floating around.

A pretty good friend, and neighbor, of mine works in the business office of the Bucs. IF it is Gruden, he, and more importantly, and a pair of very rich brothers will be terribly surprised.
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