Stripper/Hooker from the Duke/Lacrosse case arrested


Verified Member
Yes - another nutcase is on the loose again. Remember her? She accused three young men from the Duke Lacrosse team of raping her. And remember how the university believed her over the guys and many of the so-called professors signed a petition taking her side? And the DA Mike Nifong did everything he could to get these boys convicted to further his career - only to his demise in politics?

I don't have a link. Can't find one but I heard this on the local Steve and Leah radio show this morning.

The stripper/hooker that caused the arrest of the three Duke LaCrosse players in 2006 has been arrested for assaulting her boyfriend. I don't have the details but I'll keep trying to find them.

I still get mad about about that whole thing. She nearly ruined the lives of those three young men with her lies, along with the DA, Mike Nifong.

Also, remember how the entire college turned on these guys, assuming that they were guilty, plus a bunch of "professors" signed a petition, taking up for the hooker, the LaCrosse coach was fired, and the LaCrosse season was cancelled.

What happened to "innocent until proven guilty?"

Her name is Crystal Mangum. The young men are David Evans, Reade Seligmann, and Collin Fennerty. I found these names online but not the latest about the scumbag hooker.

I have since heard this report on the Rush Limbaugh Show. They say that she also tried to set her boyfriend on fire and threatened to stab him. Why hasn't this @#$%&* been in jail long before now?<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
Is there something in our water lately? The nutcase in Huntsville who killed three people and injured three more, today the nut who crashed his plane into an IRS building - what's next?
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