| FTBL Stover

I was on BamaMag.com and they are saying Stover went down with a knee injury today :( :( , i am praying it is false information because they confirmed that Goodes acl is indeed torn and is waiting to get surgery, just thought i would let everyone know sorry about the bad news.

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!
RollTide10 said:
I was on BamaMag.com and they are saying Stover went down with a knee injury today :( :( , i am praying it is false information because they confirmed that Goodes acl is indeed torn and is waiting to get surgery, just thought i would let everyone know sorry about the bad news.

ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!

Damn i like Stover i thought he was gonna have a good year this year.. with everyone eying the other two
tell me about it he was going to go crazy this yeat to i think with all the attention being on dj and keith go to bamamag.com and click on forums then go to the football forum and you will see it they are chatting about it now i am hoping he is ok.
i went to the site and here is a someone who was at the practice explaining it to the guys over at bamamag !!!

He went up for a pass in the end zone and TWO DB's went up to get the ball. All three collided in mid air & fell to the ground. The 2 DB's got up, and Stover was hurt. They called over a trainer. It appeared Les Fowler came over then someone motioned for the stretcher-not the cart. They got the board off the stretcher & then put it back & took the stretcher away. This all took a very long time with lots of people bending over. He got up with help & leaning on someone heavily left out the portal to the locker room which was just a few feet away.


so there you have it he was there i wasnt hope stover is ok talk to ya later

hell thats like 5 miles down 72 pass it all the time when i go fishing at elk or 1st-2nd creek..

just move here from cullman not to long ago... dont know a soul here other then my family and they all live in West limestone area
thats cool i fish the elk all the time to great fishing i got lots of family in the west limestone area as well, well just shoot me a im if you need to know where anything is or you need help with something

Let's hope that it is not too serious. Listening to the radio this morning there was still no update.
Lionel Mitchell gave Stover a shot to the chest, slamming him to the ground on his back.

The stretcher was not used and he came back to the field, albeit in street clothes, within 10 minutes after the play. He didn't appear to be seriously injured in any way. Looked more as if he had gotten his breath knocked out...

Has there been any more news on this? He was having a good day of practice before Mitchell laid the wood to him.
AndyBama said:
The stretcher was not used and he came back to the field, albeit in street clothes, within 10 minutes after the play.

Yeah, but I watched Brodie walk on his own right off the field the night he tore his ACL. Not really trying to compare the two, but just saying "you never know". I think the best sign is that we haven't heard anything else about it.

If there is still nothing said by tomorrow I'll feel much better.
BamaDelta said:
AndyBama said:
The stretcher was not used and he came back to the field, albeit in street clothes, within 10 minutes after the play.

Yeah, but I watched Brodie walk on his own right off the field the night he tore his ACL. Not really trying to compare the two, but just saying "you never know". I think the best sign is that we haven't heard anything else about it.

If there is still nothing said by tomorrow I'll feel much better.

Excellent point.

I remember Terry Jones walking off on his own power in the 2000 South Carolina game, too.
According to Tidesports.com this morning Stover was back at practice yesterday, though not full speed. the article said that his injury was a hip pointer.
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