| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Star Wars : Rogue One (Dec 2016)


Crimson Freak


We were wondering exactly how much info Disney and Lucasfilm would reveal at the Star Wars Celebration event, and the Mouse House brought a whole lot more than we’d expected.

We’ve already gotten a few peeks at Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but beyond that, we knew nothing more than a title for Gareth Edwards’ pending spinoff film Star Wars: Rogue One. Lucky for us, Edwards was part of a panel that broke down some of the key details of what will be the first ever big screen spinoff film for the franchise.

The plot will be set in the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and focus on a team of rebels tasked with stealing the plans for the Death Star - you know, the plans that would eventually help Luke Skywalker take the thing down in the original film. We also learned how Disney plans to market the spinoff films. Whereas the “main” films will just have the title card we’ve seen for The Force Awakens, the spin offs will be tagged as “Anthology” films.

It sounds like Edwards plans to put the “war” back in Star Wars, and told attendees the film will focus on the “reality of war” within the galaxy far, far away. Edwards said his story will be “complicated, layered; [and] a very rich scenario in which to set a movie.” The director was initially reluctant to sign on, coming off his time on the big budget Godzilla remake, but he was so impressed with the script that he took the plunge.

One other interesting tidbit: The entire concept for the film was actually pitched by award-winning visual effects artist John Knoll, who brought the idea directly to Kathleen Kennedy and Lucasfilm's Kiri Hart after floating the concept internally to almost universal acclaim. Considering how big a company we’re talking about — and a franchise that generates billions — it’s pretty cool to see that a good idea from someone a bit outside the box can still make it up the flagpole and score some face time. Nice move, Lucasfilm.

Lucasfilm also unveiled the first teaser trailer for Rogue One, which you can check out (at the link above) (though the quality is admittedly not great):
Lots of hate being thrown at this, some of it just stupid ("SJW House of Mouse with another 'strong' female lead to ruin the franchise") and some of it retarded ("ANOTHER Death Star"). To me it looks pretty good. Definite see in theaters.

are these people actually serious with this?!

i guess they can't fathom that this takes place BEFORE episode 4.

and yes, there's yet another female lead. who the eff cares?! people get way too political/personal/religious/whatever with movies. they act like if there's something different about a movie than the others from the same franchise, then their lives are ruined or they feel their childhood was raped (have actually read that when Lucas released the re-done original trilogy). and if you tell them they have a choice and don't HAVE to watch them/it, they act like you've asked them to solve a quantum field theory in klingon.

i just laugh and enjoy the movies.
Unless it got nude and sex, I will taking the grandson. WE counting the days for Captain America, still not told him about Spiderman.

I think you are in the wrong thread. I don't think they would have Spiderman in a Star Wars movie. Plus no, I don't think there is any nudity or sex in Star Wars or even Captain America: Civil War for that matter.
I get the idea behind this, sorta (the main idea is simply $$$...), but that weapon that the Danny Trejo clone/wannabe is firing (particularly at the end of the trailer) looks nothing like what was used in the original film.

I'm not really getting on a soapbox; I'm still plunking down money to see it.
Saw it today with the grand daughters and you've gotta go see it. I won't say anything else just yet to spoil it for anyone but damn, what an ending!
Me and the grandson going to see it. But first he want to see Assassin Creed he S big fan of the game. I think he may have all of them.
Me and the grandson going to see it. But first he want to see Assassin Creed he S big fan of the game. I think he may have all of them.
Assassins Creed comes out next week. If you're gonna wait for it you might go ahead and eat h both oh them the same day/weekend. Have a double header at the theatre.

I'll be going to see this either tomorrow or Monday.
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