| FTBL Somebody talk Paul off the ledge

Ol' Paul gon' hurt hisself jumpin' on and off de Bama bandwagon like he do. :roll:

(Just thought I'd post in a language some of our LSU lurkers might understand.) :shock:
What Paul and many others apparently don't understand is that, no matter what the coach says, if the players choose not to respect it, listen to it, apply it. There isn't much else he can do, except what he said he is going to do.

If you don't want to do it his way, you'll be replaced as soon as its possible to do so.
JSLayton said:
What Paul and many others apparently don't understand is that, no matter what the coach says, if the players choose not to respect it, listen to it, apply it. There isn't much else he can do, except what he said he is going to do.

If you don't want to do it his way, you'll be replaced as soon as its possible to do so.

Uh its week 12 when does he plan on replacing them? :shock:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
JSLayton said:
What Paul and many others apparently don't understand is that, no matter what the coach says, if the players choose not to respect it, listen to it, apply it. There isn't much else he can do, except what he said he is going to do.

If you don't want to do it his way, you'll be replaced as soon as its possible to do so.

Uh its week 12 when does he plan on replacing them? :shock:

It's been happening throughout the entire season, right before your eyes, and you've seen people questioning why this player or that player isn't getting more PT.

I firmly expect to see some attrition this off season. Fact is, some of the seniors that are leaving will be appreciated on some senses but not missed in others.
Ive said all year that Jimmy Johns is suspended IMO.(Sabans RB rotation has made almost ZERO sense this year)

Its also clear when your best player is suspended in game 11 (for a half :roll: )something isnt working.

We had off season problems that didnt get the players attention (see arrests). We had a midseason scandal that that got half the offense suspended. Its painfully obvious that Saban hasnt gotten their attention on discipline.

Im still a Saban sheep but my faith is sliding. :oops:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Ive said all year that Jimmy Johns is suspended IMO.(Sabans RB rotation has made almost ZERO sense this year)

Its also clear when your best player is suspended in game 11 (for a half :roll: )something isnt working.

We had off season problems that didnt get the players attention (see arrests). We had a midseason scandal that that got half the offense suspended. Its painfully obvious that Saban hasnt gotten their attention on discipline.

Im still a Saban sheep but my faith is sliding. :oops:

So you are so damn negative all of the time. Go watch wrestling.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Miss St, La Monroe- how the hell could any sane person not be negative?

Saban certainly hasnt been positive after the losses

You are one of the fans that everyone talks about. Expecting championships immediately. Just like it took time to get where we WERE, it will take time to get out of it. Anyone who thought hiring Saban would immediately mean no more upset losses, immediate return to the top of the polls, is living in a fantasy world.

It takes time, if you're not willing to go along for the ride, jump off the bus.
JSLayton said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Miss St, La Monroe- how the hell could any sane person not be negative?

Saban certainly hasnt been positive after the losses

You are one of the fans that everyone talks about. Expecting championships immediately. Just like it took time to get where we WERE, it will take time to get out of it. Anyone who thought hiring Saban would immediately mean no more upset losses, immediate return to the top of the polls, is living in a fantasy world.

It takes time, if you're not willing to go along for the ride, jump off the bus.

uh look at my posts before spew garbage. Ive said all year we dont have talent and this would take 3 years. I havent vented all year until the MSU game and even then I didnt really go off. La Monroe doesnt have a player that we would want.

And yes I do want to win and Win now.Losing to La Monroe is reason to complain! (doesnt mean Im trying to run off the coach if he doesnt)

IMO you need to jump off the bus because its fans like you that except average (way below in this case)
Lenny Kozlowski said:
JSLayton said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Miss St, La Monroe- how the hell could any sane person not be negative?

Saban certainly hasnt been positive after the losses

You are one of the fans that everyone talks about. Expecting championships immediately. Just like it took time to get where we WERE, it will take time to get out of it. Anyone who thought hiring Saban would immediately mean no more upset losses, immediate return to the top of the polls, is living in a fantasy world.

It takes time, if you're not willing to go along for the ride, jump off the bus.

uh look at my posts before spew garbage. Ive said all year we dont have talent and this would take 3 years. I havent vented all year until the MSU game and even then I didnt really go off. La Monroe doesnt have a player that we would want.

And yes I do want to win and Win now.Losing to La Monroe is reason to complain! (doesnt mean Im trying to run off the coach if he doesnt)

I disagree with that. I wouldn't mind having Dawson, Zacharie, or Goodwin on our team. Solid football players.
Finebaum has always been a front runner. He will show considerable agility in jumping right to the side of the winner Saturday.

Unlike him and others who make their living as a sports writer, I am content to let the coach make the decision on disciplinary matters.
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Miss St, La Monroe- how the hell could any sane person not be negative?

Saban certainly hasnt been positive after the losses
Im still a Saban sheep but my faith is sliding.

He should be? CNS job is to be unhappy when things are not going right, but this does not mean it gives our fans the right to be as negative as you are. "Fans" like you are why I am embarrassed to be an Alabama fan not because of loses to anyone. The players are the ones that should take that shame out on other teams not each other. So now it is Sabans attitude that needs changing? He cant be "Daddy" 24/7 for these adults. He cannot change everything in the first year. To say you are losing faith in him based on this season is just plain asinine. He has changed A LOT already but the attitude of players and fans is their own responsibility and not CNS alone. Its gut check time for the players and fans. If ya do not want to be here, get the Hell out cause we do not need you.
Kc Bleeds Crimson said:
Lenny Kozlowski said:
Miss St, La Monroe- how the hell could any sane person not be negative?

Saban certainly hasnt been positive after the losses
Im still a Saban sheep but my faith is sliding.

He should be? CNS job is to be unhappy when things are not going right, but this does not mean it gives our fans the right to be as negative as you are. "Fans" like you are why I am embarrassed to be an Alabama fan not because of loses to anyone. The players are the ones that should take that shame out on other teams not each other. So now it is Sabans attitude that needs changing? He cant be "Daddy" 24/7 for these adults. He cannot change everything in the first year. To say you are losing faith in him based on this season is just plain asinine. He has changed A LOT already but the attitude of players and fans is their own responsibility and not CNS alone. Its gut check time for the players and fans. If ya do not want to be here, get the Hell out cause we do not need you.

Listen buddy if your happy with losing to La Monroe go cheer for North Texas or that ilk. Its fans like you that make me embarrassed to lose to the N.Ill, La Techs, La Monroes, C.Flas, etc.....
All is well carry on...blah blah next year.blah blah.

Your basically admitting that Saban doesnt have control of the team in your above post. Yes I to agree that its Shula players but Saban has had plenty of time to get their attention. They are his players now its the freaking 11th game of the season not spring training!

If players arent doing the right thing or "dont care" boot their butts off the team! After having suspensions all year long (including summer) and we have our best player getting suspended for the last home game???? Something is off and if you cant see that your asinine!

Ill be here forever BTW. Im a Bama fan from birth with a letter from the University. I however do not like being average! much less WAY BELOW average (La Monroe)
Lenny Kozlowski said:
JSLayton said:
What Paul and many others apparently don't understand is that, no matter what the coach says, if the players choose not to respect it, listen to it, apply it. There isn't much else he can do, except what he said he is going to do.

If you don't want to do it his way, you'll be replaced as soon as its possible to do so.

Uh its week 12 when does he plan on replacing them? :shock:

Paul? Is that you? :shock:
AlaphaMale said:
What exactly would it mean if you did lose faith in CNS Lenny? Do you think we can do better?

I still think hes a very good football coach.(and im not giving up on him nor do I think we could do better at this point) Im just a bit disturbed at some of things going on. Its been MO that Saban has wanted to just get this year over with from the start.(me too) However, I think he should have gotten the respect of the players by now.(from the suspensions it certainly doesnt appear he has) IMO hes wasted a good opportunity in getting their attention. (what year 1 should really be)
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