| BSB/SB ðŸ¥Ž WCWS 2022: Alabama Season Ends in Tuscaloosa Regional Final)

At least I got to see KB Sides with a 2 run shot against Oregan. :)
Don’t know the details, not that it matters now, but I don’t know why she transferred. I haven’t seen anyone close to her in our outfield on defense or hitting.
Unless the bottom half of Bama's line up has a secret up its sleeve (not likely), that bases clearing hit will do it. 406 pitches this weekend. Geez!
The ending of this sports year (21-22) has been somewhat of a disappointment in our major sports. At least in Football Bama did make the final. Basketball and Softball started out with such great promise, but it is what it is, still many victories were earned, I'm just greedy when it comes to Bama sports.

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