Y'all better freakin' represent for all the rest of us that cannot be there! :D If any of you don't lose your voice for a week following the game, I will be very dissapointed! Bring it home fellas! Be the 12th man.
I go to Athens all the time. My son is a senior at UGA. Not this Saturday. The tickets are scarce an out of my price range. What a waste because I have a place to stay for free with love even though I am a Bama fan. :)
since i started the thread

i should let yall know, me and my group driving up from dothan. our tailgate will have lots of loud music and probaly be causing trouble. lol roll tide baby.
I might need clarification on whether Im actually there or not.......Does the 3rd deck count as being there? :lol:
(for those that dont know UGA has an upper dek on top of an upper deck)
Lenny Kozlowski said:
I might need clarification on whether Im actually there or not.......Does the 3rd deck count as being there? :lol:
(for those that dont know UGA has an upper dek on top of an upper deck)
You are high above Athens up there!!! I hate that deck! At least they have some escalators! I will be below you in the upper deck!
Re: all bama fans to wear white?????

djngl1 said:
if that is to be the case it needs to be spread around

I am looking for a white hat also. The good guys always wore white hats when they were chasing the bad guys in black.

I still need 4 tickets. I hope I find them before the scalpers get my money.
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