| FTBL Ridley enjoying Falcons rookie mini camp

Wonder why Saban doesn't allow long sleeves? He wears them and I know Cochran does.
I'd imagine it creates a higher fumble percentage given traction issues with the ball on smooth fabric vs. Bare skin.

Also, it certainly adds another article for opposing players to grab on to in tackling or to affect a player in coverage.

Last, it could also simply be a matter of keeping a uniform UNIFORM to all.
Freakin sleeves in the summer in the deep south, wow. He must have ice water in his veins. I wouldn't doubt that Saban wanted to create a habit of keeping the helmet on with the college rules. It only became a rule because players were out there hitting without their chinstraps being buckled tight. They wanted their helmets to go a flying. Kids.
I think you guys hit the high points pretty well. I'm sure there are multitude of things as to why Saban does things. He always has a method to his madness and/or a plan.

I bet the helmet also plays a part in the conditioning process. Don't cool off between plays or series. Stay hot, so that when you're in the game and the opposing team is dragging from the heat, you (the player) are still fresh as a daisy. I know he doesn't allow the players to talk/complain about the heat during fall camp. Shows weakness and allows the opposing team a mental advantage on you.
I thought Atlanta tried to get away from the spread passing game too much last year. I think I know why the HC wants to tighten it down and get his running game more involved but Matt Ryan can't execute that type of game plan. They may be running scared with the way they melted down in the Super Bowl. He needs the fast pace, spread concepts that let him chuck the ball. I think Sark did an absolute, terrible job calling plays last season. When you have Julio and Matty Ice and now Ridley, spread them out and turn them loose.
I thought Atlanta tried to get away from the spread passing game too much last year. I think I know why the HC wants to tighten it down and get his running game more involved but Matt Ryan can't execute that type of game plan. They may be running scared with the way they melted down in the Super Bowl. He needs the fast pace, spread concepts that let him chuck the ball. I think Sark did an absolute, terrible job calling plays last season. When you have Julio and Matty Ice and now Ridley, spread them out and turn them loose.

While I agree with mostly everything, I don't think Matt Ryan is taking the Falcons all the way. He is just too turnover prone. He had his chance when Julio carried him to the MVP and Super Bowl, and he missed it. He is not a $30M a year quarterback. That type of money should be reserved for a Super Bowl winning quarterback. Him and Andrew Luck are very lucky their agents are good, because if we went on the whole "what have you done for me lately", these guys wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Sarkesian was a disaster last year and some play calls at important times were so crazy even I couldn't seem to figure out what the heck was going on. in that case though, a $100M quarterback outta be able to audible and find his way out of a situation. The best in the league do it, but Ryan hasn't been able to figure that out yet. He has no excuses this year, zero. Running game, passing game, good offensive line, and a defense that is playing very well.
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