| NEWS Remember Pearl Harbor!

Right, just like how the South "attacked" the North "first." Read your history. Beginning with the link above.

Exactly, so FDR, after gradually and discretely involving us in the warhelping the UK, needed another event to change public opinion.

North / South ? Where in the hell did that come from. We’re talking about a communist country that decided to attack a military base with women and children because of sanctions. Not attack the military head on.
A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in
From somewhere in the back .
North / South ? Where in the hell did that come from.
It came from a similar context. As one who has investigated the origins and causes of most US wars, Lincoln and FDR used similar tactics to provoke the Confederacy and Japan, respectively, into commiting actions which could serve as pretexts for war and expansion. Gulf of Tonkin also comes to mind. When you’re lucky enough to have the planet’s largest moats to the East and West and benign neighbors to the North and South, you need to be creative when convincing your population that foreigners are out to get you and they need to shoulder the burdens of war.
North / South ? Where in the hell did that come from. We’re talking about a communist country that decided to attack a military base with women and children because of sanctions. Not attack the military head on.
A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in
From somewhere in the back .
Communist country? Japan wasn’t a communist country.
I’ve been there to all of the memorial sites on O’ahu, but as I was only 3 at the time I don’t remember anything. My sister was born there and my older brother went to kindergarten and first grade. We went to the east coast after that.
Want to get back there before I go. See where we lived and stuff.
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