| FTBL Raising the Crimson Leviathan - KJV Edition

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After many seasons of dominating all that was NCAA Football, foolish rulers Andy of Bow TIe and and the Wrath of Bock didst commit the error of DuBose. The principalities and powers of the NCAA didst survey the Tribe of Crimson and determine that they were in violation of the law - The tribe of Crimson known as the "Clan of the Bear" was taken into captivity by the NCAA in the conspiracy of the great pumpkin. Wounded almost unto death, the Crimson Leviathan was cast down.

And it came to pass that the Malevolent Moore didst anoint a new king, and that king did flee as a turkey in a tornado. A new king was anointed, and he met his Destiny in the manner of Bathsheba. The people of Crimson, tiring of foreign rule, didst cry out for one of their own. Malevolent Moore did hear their cry and anoint Shula of the Golden Arm to lead the Tribe of Bear out of the NCAA wilderness. Four seasons did pass and the rudder was not sufficient to navigate. The arm of golden was unable to quicken the Leviathan because he was unwilling to surrender the step of bucket. The Malevolent Moore was forced to seek a new king to lead the people from the wilderness.

And lowe - it came to pass in the 25 AB (after Bear), Malevolent didst venture forth into the land of the Dolphin to anoint a new King to raise the Crimson Leviathan. Nicholas the Sabanite didst answer the call, angering the people of the fin and the scribes, causing them to spew forth much venom. From the orange hordes(who had long benefitted from the NCAA induced Crimson Purgatory) there was much wailing and gnashing of tooth. They did mouth off most mightily that the Leviathan was dead - while trembling and whispering words of fear among their masses, for they knew that time was short.

In the First Year O.S. (of Saban) it came to pass that there were signs of quickening in the Leviathan - the people of the pumpkin, known also as the Clan of toothless mountain yokels - were decimated by the mere pulse of the Leviathan. Still suffering from the NCAA purgatory and some clan members who refused to conform to the manner of the Sabanite, the Clan of Crimson was unable to overcome the violation committed by certain members of the Clan. They shared their tomes of knowledge with friends of the clan and had their names blotted from the book of roster for half a season.

The words came forth from the Sabanite that all must conform or be cast from amongst the brethren - and they didst conform; and in year two the Sabanite didst bring forth the top class of recruits in all the land, that they might return the Leviathan to Glory.

It came to pass in year two of the Sabanite, that Nicholas gazed down from that high place known as Bamah - home of many Titles, and didst see the orange clad horde of the Clemson Tiger, and didst know that orange doth sucketh. In his fury and hatred of orange he didst smite them with the Crimson Clan. The Unit of offensive didst run as gazelles, and cast the oblong spheroid in a manner most cunning. The unit of defense didst erect a holy wall, and the Behemoth known as Mount of Cody didst run amok. The nation bore witness and was renewed in their fear.

Now the Sabanite and Clan of Crimson doth turn their attention upon the wave of green, driven from their lands in times recent by a mighty wind. The Clan of Crimson hast no enmity for the clan of green, yet they too will be silenced as the buzzing of many gnats, that the Clan of Crimson can move on to greater glory against the hogizites, Dawgizites, Barnerites, Mountain Yokels, and others of S.E.Caanan.

Yea Alabama....The Crimson Leviathan may not yet be fully quickened, but it moves again. The enemies know that it is only a season or twain until the land of S.E.Caanan will be scorched and salted.
VERY NICE lol! :shock: If you came up with that I am very impressed.... very creative and a nice way to put things into perspective lol :wink:
CrimsonTideFan said:
VERY NICE lol! :shock: If you came up with that I am very impressed.... very creative and a nice way to put things into perspective lol :wink:

Yea...this manner of prose sprang forth from the keyboard of the Big_Fan. Whilst thine pen mayest be mightier than thou sword - the board of keys is far more effective, and just as sharp.
Bigimus_Fanimus, thou art truly worthy of praise. For only this morn had the Chopus Maximus considered kicking thee in thine throat for thine insolent behavior. Alas, the Chopus must lament his prior conlcusions and bestow praise upon thine worthyness.

Truly thou art worthy of much praise and RC Cola. Let us now break moon pies together as brethren.
porkchop said:
Bigimus_Fanimus, thou art truly worthy of praise. For only this morn had the Chopus Maximus considered kicking thee in thine throat for thine insolent behavior. Alas, the Chopus must lament his prior conlcusions and bestow praise upon thine worthyness.

Truly thou art worthy of much praise and RC Cola. Let us now break moon pies together as brethren.

Alas, I hast forsaken Moon Pies for the purpose of purging mine body of the fat thereof. I propose the breaking of rice cakes as a worthy alternative.

It has come to pass that a great noise of quarrelling hath arisen in the land of the wareagletigerplainsmen, from the clan of the chop-block. They knoweth that the big-eared king of the clan writeth a new parable - the parable of the team with no talents. He hath forsaken the trail of recruiting for the duck blind, and their days of victory on the field of gridiron are numbered.
It has come to pass that a great noise of quarrelling hath arisen in the land of the wareagletigerplainsmen, from the clan of the chop-block. They knoweth that the big-eared king of the clan writeth a new parable

LOL!!! :lol: Nice.
I am only one and thou seem to be many and thou all seem to know what it is that thou speak of.

Thou all seem to have something wise to say and my only purpose is to see how many time I can use the word thou.

Whomever felt it provident wiseness to not schedule Vanderbilt was using thou brain because thou are smoking hot this year. :D :D :D
CtrlAltieDel said:
I am only one and thou seem to be many and thou all seem to know what it is that thou speak of.

Thou all seem to have something wise to say and my only purpose is to see how many time I can use the word thou.

Whomever felt it provident wiseness to not schedule Vanderbilt was using thou brain because thou are smoking hot this year. :D :D :D

Yea...the clan of sea faring sevants hath stormed the field of battle in the manner of the Philistines. The fowl of Southern Carolina hath been flogged and defeathered. The Coach of old ball hath been laid open as a burn offering upon the altar of the eastern division. It is a sweet fragrance to the horde of Clemson, this week tormented by their neighbor. Verily verily it was a worthy moment. Holtz known also as Granny of Clampet hath eaten his words this day!
Big_Fan said:
CtrlAltieDel said:
I am only one and thou seem to be many and thou all seem to know what it is that thou speak of.

Thou all seem to have something wise to say and my only purpose is to see how many time I can use the word thou.

Whomever felt it provident wiseness to not schedule Vanderbilt was using thou brain because thou are smoking hot this year. :D :D :D

Yea...the clan of sea faring sevants hath stormed the field of battle in the manner of the Philistines. The fowl of Southern Carolina hath been flogged and defeathered. The Coach of old ball hath been laid open as a burn offering upon the altar of the eastern division. It is a sweet fragrance to the horde of Clemson, this week tormented by their neighbor. Verily verily it was a worthy moment. Holtz known also as Granny of Clampet hath eaten his words this day!

Priceless, Big Fan, verily thou dost have a knackery for this diversion.
bamaupsman said:
Verily, thou art wise for thine years.

You flatter me, bamaupsman. I am but a mere street urchin that hides in thee local libraryotoria and gleens their talking machine so I can type letters here in this meeting area of Bama followers.
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