Radio/TV: What's your morning routine?


I work a different schedule than probably everyone here so I'm sure my "routine" is a bit, probably a lot, different.

You're getting up, I'm a few hours past lunch thinking about what I'm going to eat for dinner/supper in a few hours.

Some have a radio show they listen to each morning. A former partner of mine listened to Mike and Mike in the morning, off the TV, every day of the week and has for years.

Me? I tend to flip around after an hour or so...but, usually start with "The Best of Imus in the Morning" at 5EST and tend to stick to Fox Business throughout the morning. Depending on the season of the year, I'll jump to one of the ESPN's. But now, I don't give a rats ass about the NBA, I could care less about the Super Bowl but not to a great degree, and there's college basketball which I'm already keeping track of.

So, curious. What's your routine?

Do you still have to have a newspaper, in print, to start the day?
Well, I work graveyard so it usually depends on when I get to sleep to decide what I can and can't do. Sometimes I'll come home and sleep until about 4pm or sometimes I'll go to bed at 3pm. One thing I do ALWAYS have to do is pick up a newspaper when I get out of work and grab a cup of coffee.
I usually start the coffee, turn the tv to ESPN (depending on the day and my mood), grab my ipad, check emails from my two addresses (personal and work), send emails if need be, go to and check on stuff, then I finish my "morning" (depending on work schedule depends on if my morning is am or pm) reading the local newspaper in print.
Well, I work graveyard so it usually depends on when I get to sleep to decide what I can and can't do. Sometimes I'll come home and sleep until about 4pm or sometimes I'll go to bed at 3pm. One thing I do ALWAYS have to do is pick up a newspaper when I get out of work and grab a cup of coffee.

I've seen you countless times here in the early AM and put that in perspective with you living in Muscle Shoals. What do you do? And, for the hell of it today because I'll forget it tomorrow, what's your real name? No sir name needed...

The guy I referred to earlier and his newspaper...with him, it's all about the Sudoku puzzles. I get the puzzles, see shortcuts through them, but can't find the entertainment value.

I haven't had a subscription to a newspaper since the mid 90's. It's been since the 1999-2001 years since I picked one up almost daily. And, that was just because there wasn't Internet access at Rama Jama's.
Usually leaving the house after being up for about 30 minutes but usually listen to Mike and Mike and then about 10 minutes of the opening drive when driving into work

I usually start the coffee, turn the tv to ESPN (depending on the day and my mood), grab my ipad, check emails from my two addresses (personal and work), send emails if need be, go to and check on stuff, then I finish my "morning" (depending on work schedule depends on if my morning is am or pm) reading the local newspaper in print.

Both of you guys found time to post evidently, you find time to goof off a bit in the morning as well.
I've seen you countless times here in the early AM and put that in perspective with you living in Muscle Shoals. What do you do? And, for the hell of it today because I'll forget it tomorrow, what's your real name? No sir name needed...

I work for Walgreen's Health Initiative. We pretty much manage a wide arrange of pharmaceutical plans and all that. There's a good bit involved in what I do but the big three are speaking with pharmacists and doing overrides that will allow someone to have their medicine covered if they need it early. Determining whether a certain medicine will be covered for some people, and being the guy you call because you're mad about something in your insurance plan so I can explain it. :lol: You can call me Alex.
I also work the graveyard shift (Walmart). I tend to get up anywhere from 7pm to 9pm. If I'm up by 7 I might come online to check any sort of news from the day or I'll just wait till I get off and come home in the morning.
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