| FTBL Pugh and his chop blocks



Or however you spell his name. I saw this a couple of times last night by several Auburn players. Someone else saw it too while watching the game on TV and made a clip of one of the fine examples or tackling techniques by the Barners. :roll:

That isnt a chop block ,But I still hate Aubrun! ROLL TIDE!

True our player wasn't engaged but it was still a dirty block and one I would never let my players do time after time, unlike Tubs' and Co.

This is Pugh's style (or lack of) of playing...

after watching the game over this morning, I noticed alot of late hits and holding on his behalf,especially to "Big Country" Bobby Greenwood, I wish I had a dollar for everytime he tried to push him down from his backside after the whistle had blown, three ocasions where he chopped him below the waist.he did this to every DE or blitz man that he lined up to.what a tool.
Somebody will take care of that jerk during their Bowl......oh, that's right, they aren't going to a Bowl Game.
The only surprising thing about it is they didn't take Cody out at some point.

Here is a clearer video...

Just a side note.
1. A Chop block invloves two players on team A engaging on one of Team B players. One goes hi and one goes low.
2. A block below the waist involves one player on team a vs one player on team b. You cant have a chop block with only one person. .
Also remember that they can get that first "surge" into the player. So they can go hi and low (chop block) on the team if its the first move on the player.
Im not saying that in the game it happened or not, because it did. But it wasnt a chop block it was a block below the waits.
the_rolltide said:
Just a side note.
1. A Chop block invloves two players on team A engaging on one of Team B players. One goes hi and one goes low.
2. A block below the waist involves one player on team a vs one player on team b. You cant have a chop block with only one person. .
Also remember that they can get that first "surge" into the player. So they can go hi and low (chop block) on the team if its the first move on the player.
Im not saying that in the game it happened or not, because it did. But it wasnt a chop block it was a block below the waits.

Correct, technically, it wasn't a chop block, but it was a dirty play and and illegal block. Pugh was trying to hurt him, pure and simple. I'm sure his infamous redneck dad was proud though. Probably bought him a case of Old Milwaukee after the game for his efforts.
the_rolltide said:
Just a side note.
1. A Chop block invloves two players on team A engaging on one of Team B players. One goes hi and one goes low.
2. A block below the waist involves one player on team a vs one player on team b. You cant have a chop block with only one person. .
Also remember that they can get that first "surge" into the player. So they can go hi and low (chop block) on the team if its the first move on the player.
Im not saying that in the game it happened or not, because it did. But it wasnt a chop block it was a block below the waits.

I agree with that.

My problem with the action falls into "intent." The play was already on the outside, Kodi still had the ball and you can see one blocker looking to help his QB advance the ball while Pugh was looking to hit Bobby low.

Was his intent to somehow block Bobby on a play he was out of already or was it to hit him low, around the knee, from behind?
I understand the technicality. I probably should of used "illegal blocks" in the thread title but you guys get the point. It was a typical dirty block by Pugh.
at what point is the SEC going to start cracking down on this? I heard rumors after AU took out their second victom (Dorsey) that the SEC would review game film and assign suspensions?
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