Personality test: Which President are you?



It's a 50 question survey which will take a few minutes of your time...curious to see which President you're most like.
As often as I disagree with his policies, the survey says I'm most like Obama. :icon_eek:

The "report" fits me pretty well...

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Above average on Extroversion, indicating that you are an open and talkative extrovert.
  • Above average on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
  • Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you alternate between being tenderhearted in some situations and tough-minded in others.
  • Above average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you take a balanced approach between sticking to plans and deadlines and being flexible about updating your current goals.
  • Low on Neuroticism, indicating that you are relaxed, cool under pressure, and not shy about presenting yourself or your ideas.
I was Obama as well. And my wife says the comparison is a fair one listed below.

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Average on Extroversion, indicating that you are somewhere in between a pure extrovert and a pure introvert - an "ambivert."
  • High on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
  • High on Agreeableness, indicating that you are very empathic, tolerant of others, and socially adaptive.
  • Extremely high on Conscientiousness, indicating that you are focused when it comes to goals and deadlines and like to complete your goals and tasks before starting new ones.
  • Low on Neuroticism, indicating that you are relaxed, cool under pressure, and not shy about presenting yourself or your ideas.
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Compared to the general population, you are:

- Average on Extroversion, indicating that you are somewhere in between a pure extrovert and a pure introvert - an "ambivert."
Above average on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
- Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you alternate between being tenderhearted in some situations and tough-minded in others.
- Above average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you are focused when it comes to goals and deadlines and like to complete your goals and tasks before starting new ones.
- Average on Neuroticism, indicating that you respond adequately to changes in your environment and feel some measure of stress under pressure without letting it get to you.

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Below average on Extroversion, indicating that you are an introvert who prefers calm environments to large social gatherings.
  • Low on Openness, indicating that you find it important to preserve what past generations have built rather than throwing it all overboard on a whim.
  • Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you are often seen as critical, tough and domineering in social situations.
  • Average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you take a balanced approach between sticking to plans and deadlines and being flexible about updating your current goals.
  • Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you respond adequately to changes in your environment and feel some measure of stress under pressure without letting it get to you.

  • Above average on Extroversion, indicating that you are somewhere in between a pure extrovert and a pure introvert - an "ambivert."
  • Below average on Openness, indicating that you find it important to preserve what past generations have built rather than throwing it all overboard on a whim.
  • Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you are often seen as critical, tough and domineering in social situations.
  • Above average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you are focused when it comes to goals and deadlines and like to complete your goals and tasks before starting new ones.
  • Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you respond adequately to changes in your environment and feel some measure of stress under pressure without letting it get to you.
According to a study done by Jeffery J. Mondak, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • Not likely to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.
  • More likely to be pro-choice rather than pro-life.
  • Likely to feel trapped by the status quo.
  • Likely to enjoy complex and abstract discussions.
  • Likely to be more knowledgeable on academic topics.
  • More likely to have a tolerant attitude towards smoking.
  • More likely to favor mild criminal punishments over harsher ones.
  • More likely to watch TV, read the news, and stay up to date on current events.
  • More likely to mobilize your friends to take part in your own interests.
  • Someone who seems opinionated to others, while being in fact quite open-minded and tolerant of opposing views.
  • Less likely to frequently change jobs and partners.
  • Less likely to end up in jail or to get in trouble with the law.
  • More likely to generally agree with your immediate friends and family.
  • More likely to simply avoid people who are hostile to you, or with whom you are in disagreement.
  • More likely to oppose capital punishment.
  • More likely to take a favorable view of government welfare programs.
  • More likely to enjoy fitness training and physical exercise.
  • More likely to nurture a few select beliefs that you regard as settled in stone.
  • Less likely to flirt with harm and danger.
  • Less likely to have insurance or to belong to a labor union.

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • High on Extroversion, indicating that you are an open and talkative extrovert.
  • High on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
  • Above average on Agreeableness, indicating that you are very empathic, tolerant of others, and socially adaptive.
  • Above average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you take a balanced approach between sticking to plans and deadlines and being flexible about updating your current goals.
  • Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you are relaxed, cool under pressure, and not shy about presenting yourself or your ideas.
Thomas Jefferson

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Low on Extroversion, indicating that you are an introvert who prefers calm environments to large social gatherings.
  • Above average on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
  • Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you are often seen as critical, tough and domineering in social situations.
  • Below average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you take a balanced approach between sticking to plans and deadlines and being flexible about updating your current goals.
  • Above average on Neuroticism, indicating that you are quick to respond to changes in your environment and that you react strongly to both good and bad news.

According to a study done by Jeffery J. Mondak, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • Not likely to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.
  • More likely to be pro-choice rather than pro-life.
  • Likely to feel trapped by the status quo.
  • Likely to enjoy complex and abstract discussions.
  • Likely to be more knowledgeable on academic topics.
  • Less likely to have a tolerant attitude towards smoking.
  • More likely to favor harsh criminal punishments over milder ones.
  • Less likely to watch TV and read the news, preferring instead to follow your own interests.
  • Less likely to mobilize your friends in your own interests, preferring instead to immerse yourself in your interests in solitude.
  • Someone who seems impassive to others, while being in fact quite sure of your own views.
  • More likely to frequently change jobs and partners.
  • More likely to end up in jail or to get in trouble with the law.
  • More likely to generally disagree with your immediate friends and family.
  • More likely to stand your ground and push back against people who are hostile to you, or with whom you are in disagreement.
  • More likely to support the use of capital punishment.
  • Less likely to take a favorable view of government welfare programs.
  • Less likely to enjoy fitness training and physical exercise.
  • Less likely to believe in any kind of dogma that you regard as settled in stone.
  • More likely to flirt with harm and danger.
  • More likely to have insurance or to belong to a labor union.

According to a study done by Jayme Neiman, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • More likely than the average person to enjoy bitter vegetables like broccoli and arugula.
I would have bet that I was more like Jefferson. But check out that last paragraph.

Big Five Personality Test

Out of 25 U.S. Presidents, you are the most like ...

Dwight Eisenhower
"We ... must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow."


<form style="margin-bottom:0px;"><label class="checkbox" id="You_lable" style="color:blue;font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" value="You" checked="checked" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="DwightEisenhower_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#CD5C5C;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="DwightEisenhower" value="Dwight Eisenhower" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="AbrahamLincoln_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#BE2625;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="AbrahamLincoln" value="Abraham Lincoln" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="BarackObama_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#CC1100;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="BarackObama" value="Barack Obama" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="BillClinton_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#8E2323;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="BillClinton" value="Bill Clinton" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="GeorgeWBush_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#9C6B98;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="GeorgeWBush" value="George W. Bush" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="GeorgeWashington_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#FF6600;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="GeorgeWashington" value="George Washington" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="HarryTruman_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#BC7642;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="HarryTruman" value="Harry Truman" type="checkbox"></label><label class="checkbox" id="JamesMadison_label" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#CDAD00;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="JamesMadison" value="James Madison" type="checkbox"></label></form>
<form style="margin-bottom:0px;"><label id="JohnAdams_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#7B7922;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="JohnAdams" value="John Adams" type="checkbox"></label><label id="JohnFKennedy_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#9F9F5F;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="JohnFKennedy" value="John F. Kennedy" type="checkbox"></label><label id="LyndonBJohnson_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#AADD00;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="LyndonBJohnson" value="Lyndon B. Johnson" type="checkbox"></label><label id="RichardNixon_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#79A888;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="RichardNixon" value="Richard Nixon" type="checkbox"></label><label id="RonaldReagan_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#37BC61;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="RonaldReagan" value="Ronald Reagan" type="checkbox"></label><label id="TheodoreRoosevelt_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#7D26CD;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="TheodoreRoosevelt" value="Theodore Roosevelt" type="checkbox"></label><label id="ThomasJefferson_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#CC00FF;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="ThomasJefferson" value="Thomas Jefferson" type="checkbox"></label><label id="UlyssesSGrant_label" class="checkbox" style="font-size:14px;vertical-align:middle;display:block;margin-bottom:5px;font-weight:normal;line-height:20px;color:#FF00FF;"><input style="float:left;margin-left:-20px;width:auto;margin:4px 0px 0px;line-height:normal" id="UlyssesSGrant" value="Ulysses S. Grant" type="checkbox"></label></form>
Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Above average on Extroversion, indicating that you are an open and talkative extrovert.
  • Average on Openness, indicating that you prefer to strike a balance between seeking out novelty and preserving the status quo.
  • Below average on Agreeableness, indicating that you are often seen as critical, tough and domineering in social situations.
  • High on Conscientiousness, indicating that you are focused when it comes to goals and deadlines and like to complete your goals and tasks before starting new ones.
  • Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you are relaxed, cool under pressure, and not shy about presenting yourself or your ideas.
According to a study done by Jeffery J. Mondak, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • More likely to favor military intervention as a means of solving foreign policy problems. Actually against military intervention. Non aggression
  • Less likely to think that international cooperation will solve foreign policy problems.
  • More likely to take responsibility and to take an active interest in your community.
  • More likely to be patriotic and proud of your country. Not the one we have today.
  • More likely to enjoy romantic fiction than the rest of the population.
  • More likely to have a tolerant attitude towards smoking.
  • More likely to favor mild criminal punishments over harsher ones.
  • More likely to watch TV, read the news, and stay up to date on current events.
  • More likely to mobilize your friends to take part in your own interests.
  • Someone who seems opinionated to others, while being in fact quite open-minded and tolerant of opposing views.
  • More likely to frequently change jobs and partners.
  • More likely to end up in jail or to get in trouble with the law.
  • More likely to generally disagree with your immediate friends and family.
  • More likely to stand your ground and push back against people who are hostile to you, or with whom you are in disagreement.
  • More likely to support the use of capital punishment.
  • Less likely to take a favorable view of government welfare programs.
  • More likely to enjoy fitness training and physical exercise.
  • More likely to nurture a few select beliefs that you regard as settled in stone.
  • Less likely to flirt with harm and danger.
  • Less likely to have insurance or to belong to a labor union.

According to a study done by Jayme Neiman, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • Amazingly, your personality is simply too smooth and well-rounded for Dr. Neiman's study to be able to say anything about you.

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I got Barry Obama!

Compared to the general population, you are:

  • Above average on Extroversion, indicating that you are somewhere in between a pure extrovert and a pure introvert - an "ambivert."
  • High on Openness, indicating that you are very impatient with the way things are and always on the look for the new, the untested, and the untried.
  • High on Agreeableness, indicating that you are very empathic, tolerant of others, and socially adaptive.
  • Average on Conscientiousness, indicating that you take a balanced approach between sticking to plans and deadlines and being flexible about updating your current goals.
  • Below average on Neuroticism, indicating that you respond adequately to changes in your environment and feel some measure of stress under pressure without letting it get to you.
According to a study done by Jeffery J. Mondak, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • Not likely to discriminate on the basis of race or sexual orientation.
  • More likely to be pro-choice rather than pro-life.
  • Likely to feel trapped by the status quo.
  • Likely to enjoy complex and abstract discussions.
  • Likely to be more knowledgeable on academic topics.
  • Less likely to frequently change jobs and partners.
  • Less likely to end up in jail or to get in trouble with the law.
  • More likely to generally agree with your immediate friends and family.
  • More likely to simply avoid people who are hostile to you, or with whom you are in disagreement.
  • More likely to oppose capital punishment.
  • More likely to take a favorable view of government welfare programs.

According to a study done by Jayme Neiman, Ph.D., your scores indicate that you are:

  • More likely than the average person to enjoy bitter vegetables like broccoli and arugula.

That part about vegetables is insanely off ..
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