Pack for your car for bad weather


The Rowdy One
After the storm the other day people have been talking about putting things in the back of their vehicle for emergencies, anyone that has been in my car knows i have about anything you can think of most of the time :nana:

So what would you put in a backpack? Yes a backpack is my number one thing because you can put it on your back and take off and that will keep your arms free
Well, having had about 34857348 inches of snow this year .. I wish I just kept my snow brush and shovel in my car at all times lol. We just got 9 more inches yestrday, with 3-5 more tonight, possibly 3-4 on Friday, and 6-8 on Sunday .. Seriously, kill me now.

Would also probably want some food, water, flashlight, lighter, change of clothes or two, maps, generator, first aid kit, etc.

Dad keeps a metal baseball bat in his trunk. He's a baseball umpire and a damn good one, but if a team doesn't like a call he makes during an important game .. he has actually been followed to his car and threatened lol.
Well, like Philly we have had more snow this year than in past years. I keep a reusable bag packed with my snow boots, Carhartt overalls, extra socks, extra hat and extra gloves. In the Jeep I have a small snow shovel, extendable snow brush, one of those emergency blankets and a polar fleece blanket, water, crackers, potted meat, lighter, a Bear Grylls firestarter and a lot of my tools. At this time of year we don't go far in a car where I would need a back pack. I love Carhartt gear and with it and layering I actually sweat in sub zero weather. Only my face gets cold and I grow a beard to take care of my chin. That's it a a not so small nut shell.
been keeping a bag/backpack in my vehicle the past 8 years or so. i won't list everything 'cause they would take too long, but here are some basics:

change of clothes x2
bottles of water
energy bars (clif, nature valley, etc.)
first-aid kit
safety vest
set of tools (wrenches, screwdrivers, pliers, duct tape, electrical tape, etc.)
tow strap
hand-crank weather radio
writing utensils (pen, pencil, permanent marker)
pad of paper
eating utensils

and a bunch more stuff. as i said, way too much to list everything.
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